Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 12, 1995                   TAG: 9510120020
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


Leaf collection in Christiansburg

CHRISTIANSBURG - The town will begin fall leaf collection within the corporate limits Oct. 30.

Residents are encouraged to pile loose leaves at their street property line the week in which leaf pick up is scheduled in their quadrant. Residents are encouraged to bag leaves and refrain from blocking drainage ditches with leaves.

Leaves will be collected in the southeast quadrant Oct. 30-Nov. 3 and Nov. 27-Dec. 1. The southeast quadrant is the area between the east side of S. Franklin Street and the south side of Roanoke Street to the corporate limits at the top of the mountain.

Collection will take place in the northeast quadrant Nov. 6-Nov. 10 and Dec. 4-Dec. 8. The northeast quadrant is the area between the north side of Roanoke Street and the east side of N. Franklin Street to the north corporate limits, .

Leaves will be collected in the northwest quadrant Nov. 13-Nov. 17 and Dec. 11-Dec. 15. The northwest quadrant is the area between the west side of N. Franklin Street and north side of W. Main Street,.

Collection will take place in the southwest quadrant Nov. 20-Nov. 24 and Dec. 18-Dec. 22. The southwest quadrant is the area between the south side of W. Main Street and west side of S. Franklin Street.

Leaf collection will be provided again in spring. Call 382-6128.

Stories of Holocaust on Blacksubrg cable

BLACKSBURG - Holocaust survivor Anna Perl will share her experience of the Plazou Concentration Camp and her rescue by Oscar Schindler on "Speaking of Anna Perl," to be broadcast on WTOB Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m.

"The Civil War in Appalachia" will air Oct. 18, at 7 p.m. At 7:40 p.m., "Civil War Living History with the 24th Virginia Regiment, CSA," will look at the activities of a Civil War regiment.

Student-produced programs - Radford's "NRV News" at 7 p.m. and Tech's "VT News" at 7:30 p.m - air Oct. 19.

VCU coach to speak at chamber banquet

DUBLIN - Virginia Commonwealth University head basketball coach Charles "Sonny" Smith will be guest speaker at the 43rd annual Pulaski County Chamber of Commerce membership meeting and banquet Nov. 2. It will start at 7 p.m. in Edwards Hall at New River Community College.

The Business Executive of the Year Award, the chamber's Business Excellence Award, the Medical Volunteer Award and the Southwest Times Civic Award will be presented at the meeting.

Smith has been head coach at three schools, and earned conference Coach of the Year honors at each one. Dinner will be catered by the Marriott HealthCare Division of Pulaski Community Hospital. Tickets are $15 and available at the chamber office in Pulaski. Tickets should be bought by Oct. 31.

Shawsville-Elliston group will meet tonight

SHAWSVILLE - A group that wants to have a voice in guiding growth in eastern Montgomery County will meet Thursday night to choose officers and set its rules.

The Shawsville-Elliston-Lafayette-Alleghany Springs Village Association will meet at 7 tonight at the Shawsville Volunteer Rescue Squad building.

Last month, representatives from the newly formed group asked the Montgomery Board of Supervisors to adopt a historic overlay district for their communities. The association also asked for more representation on the county Planning Commission.

The association came about in the wake of dissatisfaction among some homeowners in the Shawsville community following the county's decision in July to allow the expansion of a major trailer park.

Craig County fall festival

NEW CASTLE - Craig County's Annual Fall Festival is Saturday, Oct. 14, at noon. WKEX will broadcast. Call Bob Smith, 951-WKEX, for more information.

`It Takes 2' campaign begins

CHRISTIANSBURG - Local American Red Cross chapters are launching a campaign today to make the purchase of alcohol and tobacco products more difficult for underage people. "It Takes 2," asks merchants to require two forms of identification when selling alcohol to anyone who might be under 21 or tobacco to anyone who might be under 18.

Billboards will be going up in Fairlawn to mark the campaign. Call 382-2361 or 639-2140.

Practical investment ideas at seminar

CHRISTIANSBURG - A financial seminar on practical investment ideas that are alternatives to bank certificate of deposits will be presented tonight at Christiansburg Library. The event will be from 6:30 to 8 p.m. and is open to the public. Kent Bonds, advisor on insurance and investment matters and branch manager for Chubb Securities Corp. will present it.

 by CNB