Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 19, 1995                   TAG: 9510190083
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Short


THE AMERICAN CONTRACT BRIDGE LEAGUE held its sectional bridge tournament in Roanoke recently. Barnes, Sears and Associates, a Roanoke division of American Express Financial Advisors, and local law firm Gentry, Locke, Rakes and Moore sponsored the event.

Winners of stratified pairs on the tournament's first day were Elvera Levine and June Peach for the daytime Stratum A; Judy Phillips and Mary Barnard for the daytime Stratum B; William Morris and Randolph Beckham for the evening Stratum A; and Richard Tibbetts and Mildred Mims for the evening Stratum B.

On the second day of the event winners were J. Fletcher and Linda Smoak for the daytime Stratum A; Burley Lilly and Bill Tooley for daytime Stratum B; Brenda Bateman and Dixie Henderson for the daytime Stratum C; Morris and Beckham again for the evening Stratum A; David Walker and S.D. Moore for the evening Stratum B; and Ellen Davis and Barbara Dyer for the evening Stratum C.

Winners of morning novice pairs for stratums A, B and C were Jean Wright and Virginia Brown. Winners of Stratified Swiss Teams on the third day were Arthur Fisher and Beckham for Stratum A and Arthur Schwartz and Edna Driver for stratums B and C.

 by CNB