Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, October 19, 1995                   TAG: 9510190088
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long


A SPIRITUAL HEALING MISSION, sponsored by the Roanoke Valley Chapter of the Order of St. Luke the Physician, will take place Nov. 3 and 4 at Bonsack United Methodist Church, 4493 Bonsack Road. "Jesus Heals Our Inner Selves" will be the theme of the program presented the Rev. Rufus Womble, a Richmond Episcopal clergyman who has led spiritual healing missions for more than 30 years.

Friday night service will begin at 7:30 with singing and the speaker at 8. Saturday's program will start at 9:15 a.m. and includes addresses by the leader and a workshop, " Hurts from Our Families."

THE ROANOKE VALLEY CROP WALK, a six-mile hike supported by more than 100 walkers through Southwest Roanoke to help relieve hunger, has netted more than $13,000, double the amount raised in 1994. Of the estimated $3,250 which is reserved for Roanoke Valley programs for the needy, St. Francis House, the Presbyterian Community Center, the West End Center and the Samaritan Inn will receive about $850 each. The remainder of the money will be used by the ecumenical Church World Service agency for needs outside the Roanoke Valley.

WESLEYAN MUSIC will be the focus of a program Oct. 26 at 7:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church in Buchanan. A Dutch Reformed couple, Arent and Kate Geert, who travel internationally giving programs of Wesley family hymns on folk-style instruments, will perform. An offering will be taken.

A TAIZE WORSHIP SERVICE, based on that used in a French Christian community with simple music and meditative prayer, is scheduled Sunday at 7 p.m. at Williamson Road Church of the Brethren, Oakland at Pioneer Northwest.

LUTHERAN COOPERATIVE MINISTRIES, a coalition of parishes in the Roanoke Valley affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, has received special recognition from Gov. George Allen for its support of summer camping for needy children. During the 25 years that LUCOM has supported camping, 700 youngsters have been sent free to church camp and received needed clothing and equipment from church volunteers.

THE KINGERYS, a Southern gospel group, will perform Friday at 6:30 p.m. in Phelps Hall of First Baptist Church on Third Street Southwest. The program will follow a potluck meal and is open especially to single people. An offering will be taken.

PEACE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, a congregation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) formed in 1990 for Botetourt County, is erecting a breezeway to connect its two manufactured temporary buildings for worship and education. Volunteers from the church are doing the work. The Rev. Wilson Gunn, minister, said long-range plans are being laid for a permanent structure in about three years.

PARKWAY WESLEYAN CHURCH, 3230 King St. N.E., will offer a workshop Saturday to train laity in ministry to a variety of age groups. "Calling Laymen Into Ministry with Balance," or C.L.I.M.B. '95 will cost $30. Several nationally promoted church growth workers, including Lyn Westafer, a Brentwood, Tenn., gospel music recording artist will be present. She will remain at the church for a program on Sunday at 6 p.m. To register call 342-3968.

THE REV. G. THOMAS TURNER, a former Roanoker, will preach for revival services Sunday through Oct. 27 at Maple Street Baptist Church, 902 Fairfax Ave. N.W. He now lives in Columbus, Ohio. Worship will begin each night at 7:30.

PLEASANT HILL BAPTIST CHURCH, 6262 Country Club Road near Troutville, has scheduled an Oct. 29 concert featuring the Altar of Prayer group. An offering will be taken during the at 7 p.m. program.

FAIRVIEW UNITED METHODIST CHURCH members will join others Saturday in an apple-gleaning program at a Botetourt orchard. Sponsored by the Society of St. Andrew Christian community in Bedford County, the project helps supply nearby food pantries with commercially useless fruit.

THE REV. THOMAS E. PLEASANT will be honored Sunday at Mount Moriah Baptist Church, 3521 Orange Ave. N.E., on his second anniversary of coming to the pastorate. The Rev. Ottawa Pullens and the choir of Blue Ridge Baptist Church will lead the 3 p.m. service.

AT PILGRIM BAPTIST CHURCH, 1415 Eighth St. N.W., several Western Virginia gospel choirs will perform at a musical program Sunday at 7 p.m.

SPIRIT OF LIFE FULL GOSPEL BAPTIST CHURCH, a new congregation, has added a noon prayer service on Wednesday. Its regular worship times are 9:30 and 10:45 a.m. on Sunday and 7 p.m. on Wednesday. The Rev. Antonio D. Thomas is pastor of the church that worships at 1806 Loudon Ave. N.W.

A MEALS-ON-WHEELS PROGRAM to serve the Springwood area of Botetourt County is being promoted by Andrew Chapel United Methodist Church there. Volunteers are needed for the program that provides lunches a five days a week to home-bound adults 60 and over. Call 254-2475 for more information.

VALLEY CHRISTIAN CENTER, 4265 Cloverdale Road, will sponsor a service of spiritual healing Friday at 7:30 p.m. The leader, Chris Vaughn, will offer prayers for recovery from both physical and mental ailments. Call 977-2382 for more information.

THE WILLING WORKERS CLUB of Loudon Avenue Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) will sponsor a musicale Sunday at 4 p.m. The church is at 730 Loudon Ave. N.W.

VALLEY WORD MINISTRIES, 1928 Loch Haven Drive, has scheduled a concert Nov. 3 at 7 p.m. It will feature Holywind and David and the Giants, two singing groups. Tickets are $5 and are available by calling 562-1500.

GREEN RIDGE BAPTIST CHURCH, 5521 Green Ridge Road, will have revival services Sunday at 10:55 a.m. and 7 p.m. each night through Wednesday. The Rev. Dale Brooks, a Charlotte, N.C., pastor, will speak.

THE REV. GEORGE HAMILTON, a former Veterans Affairs Medical Center chaplain who now lives in Charlotte, N.C., will preach for the 85th Anniversary observance Sunday at Sweet Union Baptist Church. Worship will begin at 11 a.m. at the church at 521 Madison Ave. N.W. Lunch will follow. The Junior Choir of the church will sing at 3 p.m.

FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, Reservoir Road, Hollins, plans a special anniversary service Sunday at 3 p.m. Worship will be led by the Rev. Johnnie R. Stone, pastor-elect of Hill Street Baptist Church, and the Hill Street Choir.

CENTRAL BAPTIST CHURCH of Starkey has chosen the Rev. Robert Baldwin as its interim pastor. He most recently served at Eagle Rock Baptist Church.

CRYSTAL SPRING BAPTIST CHURCH, 2411 Rosalind Ave. S.W., will observe homecoming Sunday. Worship at 11 a.m. will be followed by potluck lunch and entertainment. The church was formed four years ago during a merger of the Jefferson Street and South Roanoke congregations.

ADVENTURE CLUB is a new ministry to inner-city Roanoke children sponsored by Belmont Christian Church (Disciples of Christ} at 1101 Jamison Ave. S.E. Programs of entertainment and character-building for children in kindergarten through sixth grade are held each Sunday night from 6 to 7:30. Call 343-7502 for more information.

JAMES S. DARLING, a Williamsburg organist who plays at the historic Bruton Parish Church, will present a free recital Monday at 8 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in downtown Salem.

WEST MAIN STREET CHURCH OF CHRIST, 401 W. Main in Salem, will sponsor a Breast Cancer Awareness program Wednesday at 7 p.m. Barbara Lemmon and Jo Crowder, community outreach workers, will lead the program.

NEW GRACE, a Southern gospel group, will perform Oct. 29 at 7 p.m. at Fort Lewis Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) at 2931 W. Main St. in Salem.

SCOTT OLSON, an Indiana gospel musician, will present a concert Sunday at 6 p.m. at First Wesleyan Church, 3706 Peters Creek Road.

Send information to Frances Stebbins, Neighbors, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke 24010-2491 by noon Thursday. Include a daytime telephone number.

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by CNB