Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, October 25, 1995                   TAG: 9510250069
SECTION: SPORTS                    PAGE: B-1   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Medium


It turns out that Bruce Arena envisioned himself as the coach of the United States men's Olympic soccer team long before anybody else viewed him as a leading candidate.

``Actually, I had it written into my contract five years ago that I could take a leave of absence if the opportunity arose,'' said Arena, who is in his 18th season as Virginia's head coach. ``I'm not sure if it got into the final contract or not, but it was an understanding.''

Arena was a clear-cut choice Tuesday when the United States Soccer Federation announced at RFK Stadium that he would head the under-23 national team.

The under-23 national team, with exemptions for three over-age players, will represent the U.S. in the Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta.

Arena will continue to head Virginia's program until assuming his new duties in January, and there was no indication that he would not return in the fall, despite speculation that he will head the new Major League Soccer (MLS) franchise in Washington.

``This is a position, in my eyes, that is a temporary one,'' Arena said. ``My concerns when I leave RFK today will be in preparing Virginia for the remainder of the season. All my energy will be devoted to the under-23 national team and the University of Virginia at this time.''

Arena could not have been more noncommital about his position regarding MLS.

``Let me state very clearly that, for soccer to progress in this country, we must have a viable professional soccer league,'' said Hank Steinbrecher of the U.S. Soccer Federation. ``And, it's important to have our best coaches coaching in this league. It is absolutely essential.''

Terry Holland, director of athletics at Virginia, said he would grant a leave of absence that originally was approved by predecessor Jim Copeland.

``Certainly, we will have to make plans for the time he is gone,'' said Holland, who is expected to elevate assistant George Gelnovatch if an interim head coach is needed. ``Coming back will be a pretty big chore if MLS is on the horizon or not.

``Everything is on the table. It's [a leave of absence] not without precedent.''

Tara VanDerveer, coach of the U.S. women's basketball team, gave up her coaching duties at Stanford for this coming season. However, VanDerveer knew she would be an Olympic coach at a much earlier stage.

The men's soccer job did not come open until Timo Liekoski was fired Sept.26 as under-23 national coach, at least partly because of a disappointing finish in the Pan-American Games.

That squad included three players - A.J. Wood, Clint Peay and Nate Friends - who helped Virginia win its fourth straight Division I championship last year.

Current UVa players in the selection pool include Damian Silvera and Brandon Pollard.

``I wouldn't say it will be awkward to have an association with Virginia,'' said Arena, who said he would seek considerable input from his staff. ``It will be difficult no matter who you have to cut.''

Arena said he did not think the Olympic preparations would cause any disruptions in Virginia's drive for a fifth straight title. The Cavaliers (13-0-2) have been ranked No.1 all season.

Arena said he informed the players of his decision last week and that recruits have been alerted to all possibilities. He said he could have several commitments for next year by the end of the week.

``We return 20 or 21 players, [and] with an outstanding recruiting year, I know Virginia will have an outstanding soccer program for years to come,'' Arena said. ``I look forward to being a part of that.''

So, does that mean he will return?

``Right now, we have not said I will not,'' he said.

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