Roanoke Times
                 Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: SUNDAY, October 29, 1995                   TAG: 9510270102
SECTION: HORIZON                    PAGE: G6   EDITION: METRO 
DATELINE:                                 LENGTH: Long



Should the state require that a parent be notified before an underage daughter can obtain an abortion?

Richard Cranwell (D): Yes.

Trixie Averill (R): Yes.

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): No.

Newell Falkinburg (R): Yes

Vic Thomas (D): Yes

Jeff Artis (R): Yes, provided there is a measure protecting teens who are victims of abuse.

Claude Whitehead (D): Yes.

Allen Dudley (R): Yes.

Jim Shuler (D): No.

Larry Linkous (R): Yes.

Barbara Coleman (D): Yes, but she thinks the state should allow a judge or a responsible adult relative to replace the parent for children from "dysfunctional households."

Steve Newman (R): Yes.

Madison Marye (D): No.

Pat Cupp (R): Yes.

John Edwards (D): No.

Brandon Bell (R): Yes.


Should the state allow school boards to contract with private groups to run "charter schools," public schools that would operate outside the regular school system?

Richard Cranwell (D): No. "I think charter schools would be the worst thing to happen to our public school system." Charges that charter schools would siphon money from existing public schools.

Trixie Averill (R): Yes. "Currently, only the well-to-do can afford to take advantage of diverse educational opportunities. Under these charter schools, public school systems are able to provide these options to the families of low and middle-income students."

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): No. "It would divert money from the purposes of public education into private purposes. One version of the charter school program included a provision by which any group that wanted to begin a charter school - if denied by the local school board - could appeal to the state Board of Education and, if successful, begin a charter school under their authority. This certainly is more control from Richmond."

Newell Falkinburg (R): Yes. "Clearly, they are not private schools. They do not take funding from public schools but they require some form of performance standards for our students. ... They are the paragon of local control with our school boards being empowered. Our public education system has so clearly failed that charter schools must be tried."

Vic Thomas (D): No. "Starting new charter schools would require new construction money, additional teacher salaries and other duplications which would spread our education money thinner."

Jeff Artis (R): Yes. Is part of a group promoting charter schools.

Claude Whitehead (D): No. "Charter schools in the form that is being proposed by my opponent and others in his party are, quite frankly, nothing more than a bald attempt to obtain public money for private schools." Says charter schools would "drain badly needed funds from our public school systems."

Allen Dudley (R): Yes, provided certain conditions are met about how they'd be set up and operated.

Jim Shuler (D): No. "If there are qualities of 'specialness' in the charter school concept, then adopt those qualities to give every child a chance to feel special."

Larry Linkous (R): Yes, but has some reservations about how they'd operate.

Barbara Coleman (D): Says idea "might have some merit," but has many reservations about who should be allowed to operate them and how.

Steve Newman (R): Yes. Says charter schools would promote "creativity, innovation and parent-teacher partnerships." Otherwise, "rounding down and mediocrity will suck away our children's opportunity for a better life."

Madison Marye (D): No, but says he is "open to evidence from other states' experience with charter schools."

Pat Cupp (R): Says he is "open-minded" to the idea but would vote no "until I have all the information."

John Edwards (D): No.

Brandon Bell (R): Yes. Is sponsor of charter schools bill in the Senate.


Where should the state's emphasis be?

Richard Cranwell (D): Wants to reduce class sizes. Wants to increase funding to eliminate funding disparities between rural and suburban school systems..

Trixie Averill (R): Wants tougher academic standards.

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): Wants to reduce class sizes and increase funding for "school readiness programs" for disadvantaged 4-year-olds.

Newell Falkinburg (R): Wants "rigid" academic standards

Vic Thomas (D): Wants to reduce class sizes.

Jeff Artis (R): Says Democrats have "dumbed down" academic standards and allowed funding disparities, but offers no specific plan.

Claude Whitehead (D): Wants to reduce class sizes.

Allen Dudley (R): Wants tougher academic standards.

Jim Shuler (D): Wants to increase funding to eliminate funding disparities between rural and suburban school systems.

Larry Linkous (R): Wants to "adequately fund" schools, but wants localities to have more control of schools.

Barbara Coleman (D): Wants "realistic" academic standards and says state should increase funding.

Steve Newman (R): Wants tougher academic standards on basic subjects, and merit pay for teachers.

Madison Marye (D): Wants to increase funding to lower class sizes and end funding disparities between rural and suburban school systems. Also wants more computers in schools.

Pat Cupp (R): Wants tougher academic standards on basic subjects.

John Edwards (D): Favors increased funding for public schools, plus $200 million in additional funding for state colleges and universities.

Brandon Bell (R): Wants funding tied toward "measurable improvements in performance, attendance and basic literacy" test scores, would support $200 million in additional funding for state colleges and universities.


Richard Cranwell (D): Says Virginia is already one of the lowest-taxed states in the nation. Only New Hampshire has a lower tax burden.

Trixie Averill (R): Says the state should eliminate the gross receipts tax that localities are allowed to levy on businesses, and suggests the state should increase the personal exemption allowed for dependents on state income taxes.

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): Says Virginia is already one of the lowest-taxed states in the nation.

Newell Falkinburg (R): Says the state should modify or eliminate the gross receipts tax that localities are allowed to levy on businesses. Favors reducing other unspecified taxes on business.

Vic Thomas (D): Says Virginia is already one of the lowest-taxed states in the nation.

Jeff Artis (R): Says the state should eliminate the gross receipts tax that localities are allowed to levy on businesses.

Claude Whitehead (D): Says Virginia is already one of the lowest-taxed states in the nation. Warns that Virginia faces four spending obligations few are talking about - paying the federal retirees who won their lawsuit over their illegally-taxed pensions, increases in the state retirement system, projected increases in Medicaid, and the incentives offered to Motorola and other big companies that have agree to locate in the state.

Allen Dudley (R): Says the state should increase the personal exemption for dependents on state income taxes.

Jim Shuler (D): Says Virginia is already one of the lowest-taxed states in the country.

Larry Linkous (R): Says he hasn't studied the state budget yet.

Barbara Coleman (D): Says she hasn't studied the state budget yet.

Steve Newman (R): Says the state should eliminate the gross receipts tax that localities are allowed to levy on businesses. Says the state should increase the personal exemption for dependents on the state income tax.

Madison Marye (D): Says the state shouldn't cut taxes because it faces a variety of spending needs, such as education.

Pat Cupp (R): Says he hasn't studied the state budget yet, but says the state should increase the personal exemption for dependents on the state income tax.

John Edwards (D): Says Virginia is already one of the lowest-taxed states in the country. Warns that cutting the gross receipts tax or other taxes should shift the burden of many services to local government, "which must rely heavily on real estate and personal property taxes."

Brandon Bell (R): Says the state's income tax is too high, especially for lower-income groups, but offers no specific proposal to cut taxes. Says gross receipts taxes must be reorganized so as not to hurt money-losing small businesses.


Richard Cranwell (D): Says the state's top priority should be increasing funding to education, both secondary education and higher education.

Trixie Averill (R): Says the state should cut spending by reducing "waste."

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): Says the state should cut the staffs of Cabinet secretaries, reduce its travel expenses. Also says the state should increase funding to education.

Newell Falkinburg (R): Doesn't identify any specific spending he'd like to cut or increase.

Vic Thomas (D): Says the state's top priority should be increasing funding to education.

Jeff Artis (R): Says state should "maintain current spending" on most items, but should increase spending on mental health.

Claude Whitehead (D): Says the state's top priority should be increasing funding to education.

Allen Dudley (R): Says the state should increase funding for education, but says increased funds must be accomplished by "real reforms and accountability."

Jim Shuler (D): Says the state should increase funding to education.

Larry Linkous (R): Says he hasn't studied the state budget yet.

Barbara Coleman (D): Says she hasn't studied the state budget yet.

Steve Newman (R): Says the state should quit spending money to promote the lottery. Also proposes the state turn over recordation fees, which property owners pay when they record land deals, to localities.

Madison Marye (D): Says the state should increase funding to education.

Pat Cupp (R): Says the state should increase funding to education and prisons.

John Edwards (D): Says the state's top priority should be increasing funds to education.

Brandon Bell (R): Says the state must "control" the growth of state government.


Richard Cranwell (D): Says Virginia must focus on prevention programs or state will "squander all of our resources constructing prisons." Wants to see more police on the streets.

Trixie Averill (R): Says Virginia is already spending a lot on prevention; should focus on lengthening sentences and building prisons.

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): Wants to increase funding to provide more officers for community policing.

Newell Falkinburg (R): Says state must recognize existence of a "hard-core criminal element" and lengthen sentences.

Vic Thomas (D): Says state needs to emphasize prevention.

Jeff Artis (R): Wants tougher domestic violence laws.

Claude Whitehead (D): Prevention "should be the first solution." Wants more funding for police.

Allen Dudley (R): Says state must "deal more seriously" with juvenile crime.

Jim Shuler (D): Says 70 percent of inmates are high school dropouts. "Being tough on crime means providing for our educational needs." Also wants to increase police funding.

Larry Linkous (R): Wants state to provide additional funding for poor communities to hire more police.

Barbara Coleman (D): Says illegal drugs are the biggest problem.

Steve Newman (R): Wants longer prison sentences.

Madison Marye (D): Says punishment isn't a deterrent; state should emphasize prevention instead. Wants to increase police funding.

Pat Cupp (R): Wants more skills training for inmates so they won't return to life of crime.

John Edwards (D): Wants community policing and other crime prevention programs expanded.

Brandon Bell (R): Wants state's lottery proceeds turned over to localities to be used for crime-fighting, such as hiring more police or other prevention programs. Also wants longer prison sentences for violent criminals


Richard Cranwell (D): Says Allen's budget cuts would have had a disproportionate impact on Western Virginia, singling out the governor's attempts to reduce or eliminate funding to the Hotel Roanoke, Center in the Square and other cultural groups in the Roanoke Valley.

Trixie Averill (R): Says she'd be more accessible than Cranwell, who she says is a busy lawyer who's frequently out of town. Promises to hold regular town meetings across the districts. Warns that Cranwell's influence would be "kaput" in a legislature with a Republican majority while she'd enjoy close ties with the governor and other GOP leaders.

Clifton "Chip" Woodrum (D): Has proposed legislation for consideration during the 1996 General Assembly that would require 48-hour maternity coverage for normal deliveries and 96-hour coverage for C-sections in all health insurance policies and HMO contracts in Virginia.

Newell Falkinburg (R): Has proposed repealing state policy that allows state prison inmates to be paid for work they do while incarcerated. Has backing in that effort from Del. Morgan Griffith, R-Salem.

Vic Thomas (D): Says he will continue to advocate better mental health programs. Thomas, who is chairman of the House Committee on Conservation and Natural Resources, also says he will continue to fight for sportsmen's rights and conservation and protection of the state's parks.

Jeff Artis (R): Says his youth and political inexperience will allow him to bring fresh ideas. Supports boot camps for juvenile offenders to discourage them from being career criminals, increased economic development and an overhaul of vocational education programs.

Claude Whitehead (D): Says more existing state funds should be funneled to higher education to make it more affordable for students. Whitehead says he would support only a percentage of lottery funds being sent back to localities.

Allen Dudley (R): Supports returning all lottery proceeds to Virginia localities with no strings attached. Says successful schools systems around the state should share their ideas with others.

Jim Shuler (D): Has portrayed himself as an advocate for state workers during the campaign, and has criticized the administration's characterizations of "computer-game playing bureaucrats."

Larry Linkous (R): He's one of few Republican candidates who declined to sign his party's "Pledge for Honest Change," as another part of his attempt to establish his independence from the administration.

Barbara Coleman (D): A high school government teacher, Coleman mostly sticks to education as the sole issue in her campaign. However, she has spoken in favor of the right-to-work law, unions and economic development. She hesitantly supports welfare reform, saying that she is concerned about insufficient child care and cutting benefits to the truly needy.

Steve Newman (R): Supports parental approval before children can be counseled in school. He speaks out frequently in favor of the state's new welfare reform law, though he supports stricter regulations: namely, placing a lifetime limit of five years on welfare benefits received by any individual. He also criticizes Coleman for not doing her homework. In one debate, he tripped her up when she said the Republicans had been in charge of Congress for the last 20 years.

Madison Marye (D): Marye talks up road projects on the stump, such as work he did to bring a new interstate interchange to Smyth County, and he's been raising seniors issues in the late weeks of the campaign, particularly in light of the pending federal reform of Medicare.

Pat Cupp (R): Says Marye has been inaccessible to his constituents in the lower end of the long district, in Grayson, Smyth and Carroll counties and Galax. Also calls Marye a fairweather friend of education who did nothing for Radford University or Virginia Tech during the budget cuts under former Democratic Gov. Douglas Wilder.

John Edwards (D): Supports environmental legislation, because clean air and water are necessary to attract new businesses to the state.

Brandon Bell (R): Supports legal reforms to reduce "frivolous" lawsuits; merit selection of judges; lower caps on "punitive damages;" caps on damages for pain and suffering.


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