Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: THURSDAY, November 2, 1995 TAG: 9511020006 SECTION: NEIGHBORS PAGE: W3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Medium
Cook received the Above and Beyond trophy for overall friendliness and attitude toward other candidates. The pageant is part of the National Youth Scholarship Program. She is a sixth grader at Hidden Valley Junior High School.
CHARLEAN EANES FISHER, a former teacher at William Fleming High School, received a 1995 Virginia Alliance For Arts Education Distinguished Service Award. The awards were featured in the spring issue of the newsletter, "Advocate."
TERRI WORD and WILLIAM HOLLAND, both of William Fleming High School, were among 10 winners in the nationwide White House Conference on Travel and Tourism essay contest.
Holland's essay, which focused on the need to promote the United States to foreign travelers, placed first and will be published in the conference program.
Word wrote about environmental concerns affecting the travel industry.
Both students study in the magnet school's Academy of Travel and Tourism Program. They will receive a four-day trip to the conference Oct. 29-Nov. 1.
CHRISTOPHER HERRING HANCOCK, son of Kathleen McMillen Hancock of Roanoke and William H. Hancock of Union W.Va., will serve as prefect during his senior year at Woodberry Forest School.
As a prefect, Hancock and 18 other students will administer the honor system and assist with dormitory supervision.
STEVEN WODDELL, son of Matt and Rita Woddell of Roanoke, was the winner of the regional Young Organists Competition sponsored by the American Guild of Organists.
Woddell is an organ student of Todd Wilson at the Cleveland Institute of Music in Cleveland, Ohio, and is pursuing a bachelor of music degree in organ performance with a minor in French.
by CNB