Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: WEDNESDAY, November 15, 1995 TAG: 9511150066 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: C-3 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: RICHARD FOSTER STAFF WRITER DATELINE: BEDFORD LENGTH: Medium
``It's a milestone,'' said squad founder and captain Rob Ballagh. ``It's not the end of our work, but we're glad it's come this far, and we're looking forward to operating in the area just as soon as we can.''
The squad should be answering calls by Dec. 1, he said. The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing and vote Dec. 11 to include Goode on the list of county-supported volunteer rescue squads.
The Goode squad's borders will run north to Charlemont at Virginia 637 and 638; south to Virginia 24 just below Owen's Market on U.S. 460; east to Virginia 622 bordering the Forest and New London areas; and west near Virginia 643 and 637.
Goode members have been organizing for more than a year and say they will be able to answer calls faster than other rescue squads that have operated in the area.
They met stiff opposition from the Bedford Life Saving Crew, which used to patrol the Goode area. Bedford members worried that the new squad would not be properly equipped to handle big emergencies, but Goode members say they will.
Boonsboro Fire and Rescue donated an ambulance to Goode, and a rescue squad in Ferrum provided a four-wheel-drive vehicle and pagers. Others have given medical equipment, and Campbell County Volunteer Rescue Squad has promised mutual aid and assistance for large automobile accidents.
In other action, the board:
Gave final approval to to sell $4 million in general obligation bonds through the Virginia Public School Authority to fund construction, renovations and planning for county schools, including the new Montvale Elementary School.
Awarded contracts for the enhanced 911 system and new computer system. Wilmington, N.C.-based Vision Software Inc. will receive $674,916 for the county's E-911 system hardware and software. The system is scheduled to go on line late next year.
Continental Pacific Corp. of Fort Myers, Fla., will receive about $70,000 to supply the new computers and to design tax assessment and collection software.
by CNB