Roanoke Times Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: SATURDAY, November 25, 1995 TAG: 9511270025 SECTION: CURRENT PAGE: NRV-6 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY SOURCE: DATELINE: LENGTH: Long
CHRISTIANSBURG - New River Valley Hospice Inc. has made a number of appointments to its board and staff.
Appointed to the board of directors were Lou Long, Dr. J. Henry Hershey, Lawrence Bowman and Evelyn Farrier.
Long, a Blacksburg attorney, serves as an adjunct faculty member at New River Community College. Hershey is director of the New River Health District and a clinical instructor at the University of Virginia. Bowman is vice president and trust officer at First National Bank, Christiansburg. Farrier is a registered nurse and longtime hospice volunteer.
Dr. Harry McCoy, III has been named to the team of hospice's medical directors.
Charles Beller and Helen Spence of Beller & Spence of Christiansburg will serve as legal counsel.
Doris Reid was promoted to assistant executive director.
Cynthia Luke was named director of nursing services.
Barbara Green and Mary North will share the position of director of volunteer services.
Jeffery Godwin joins the staff as bereavement and spiritual counselor.
New River Valley Hospice serves the residents of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery and Pulaski counties and the city of Radford.
AAUW honors community leader
BLACKSBURG - Blacksburg's branch of the American Association of University Women presented the 1995-1996 Community Leader Award to Elaine Keyes Alfonso of Blacksburg.
Alfonso planned and implemented the "Hand in Hand Playground" three years ago and is president of the "Friends of the Hand in Hand Playground."
Bank supports young readers
CHRISTIANSBURG - Montgomery-Floyd Regional Library headquarters awarded Tia Greene, a first-grade student at Christiansburg Primary School, a $50 savings bond from First National Bank. Greene won the contest for "Library Card Sign-up Month."
Artists' work shown at Roanoke museum
BLACKSBURG - The works of 19 Blacksburg and Montgomery County artists were displayed during the Art & More Auction in the Art Museum of Western Virginia in Roanoke.
Blacksburg and Montgomery County artists were Dean Carter, Maryann Harman, Vance Miller, Martha Dillard, Carol Davis, Mary Livermore, Sally Mook, Nadine Allen, Carol Hoge, Joe Germana, Ray Kass, Peyton Petty, Joni Pienkowski, Robin Boucher, Jan Bos, Barbara Capps, Robert Smith, Susan Katz and Faith Capone.
VICA representatives attend conference
CHRISTIANSBURG - Charlene Jackson and Pat Bauer of Christiansburg High School attended the Vocational Industrial Cooperative Association Southwest Virginia Officer Leadership conference in Tazewell in October. Jackson received the advanced statesman award.
Bluefield College recognizes officers
BLACKSBURG - Bluefield College Board of Advisors has named William Brown, chief of police for Blacksburg, and Jerry Hill, national service manager for Kollmorgen-Industrial Drives in Radford, as new officers.
Arts Council announces winners
RADFORD - David Dooley received a $200 award for best in show for his painting "Under the Jefferson Street Bridge" at the 1995 Annual Kemper Dobbins Transportation Art Exposition held in October.
Laura Horner received a $100 award for her entry in best representational category.
Page Chichester received $100 cash award for her entry in best abstract category. Honorable mentions and $25 awards went to James Knipe, Susan Lockwood and John O'Conner.
Williams-Smith is Sunburst Little Queen
CHRISTIANSBURG - Shatavia Williams-Smith, 3, was crowned Sunburst Little Queen at the Sunburst Beauty Pageant Oct. 22 at the New River Valley Mall. She will compete in the Sunburst State finals in May.
Williams-Smith is the daughter of Lorine Collins and Chris Williams of Blacksburg and a member of First Baptist Church of Blacksburg.
Floyd artist exhibits in waterfowl show
FLOYD - Armand J. Carney was selected to exhibit his handcarved and painted ducks and shorebirds at the 25th annual Waterfowl Festival in Easton, Md.
Bondurant named to E&H board
RADFORD - Kenneth Bondurant has been appointed to the Emory & Henry College board of visitors.
A 1971 graduate of E&H, Bondurant is president of Bondurant Realty Corp.
Author nominated for history prize
BLACKSBURG - Edith M. Ebel's book, "The Quick Tests: The Life and Work of Dr. Armand J. Quick," published by Pocahontas Press, has been nominated for the 1996 Bancroft Prize in American History.
Quick was internationally known for his work in blood coagulation. He developed the test used to monitor anticoagulant therapy and an aspirin tolerance test. Quick was the author's father.
Warm Hearth honors volunteers
BLACKSBURG - Warm Hearth Village recently presented its community volunteer of the year award to Marcella J. Griggs, clincial nurse specialist in gerontology at Radford University's School of Nursing.
The volunteer of the year award was shared by two Warm Hearth residents, Herta Lopez and Louise Palmer.
The employee of the year award went to Patricia Yates, director of nursing at Showalter Assisted Living Center.
Pulaski officials recertified for jobs
CHARLOTTESVILLE - Maynard H. Sayers of Pulaski County recently earned recertification as a certified Commissioner of the Revenue from the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service and the Division of Continuing Education of the University of Virginia.
Pulaski County Treasurer Rose Marie Tickle also was recertified.
Candidates are certified after accumulating a number of continuing education credits. To maintain their certification, candidates must complete 60 hours of continuing education within four years.