Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, December 16, 1995            TAG: 9512200016
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C-6  EDITION: METRO 


Goalie Daniel Berthiaume saw it coming. The Roanoke Express hadn't practiced well in days and hit the ice at Norfolk Scope lethargically.

And predictably, they were drummed by the Hampton Roads Admirals, 8-1, before a crowd of 6,970.

``I know that's the worst game I've seen this team play in my two years,'' said Berthiaume, who took the loss, only his second in nine decisions and his first on the road.

``There are ways to lose and ways to lose. Nobody likes to lose like that. It was not a good effort.

``I guess it's just one of those games you have to forget.''

The Express (16-11) had beaten the Admirals in shootouts two games in a row and came into Friday in third place in the ECHL's East Division, three points behind Hampton Roads.

But it was apparent midway through the second period that the Express, which hosts Richmond tonight at the Roanoke Civic Center, would leave Norfolk no closer to second.

The Admirals blew open a 2-1 lead on three second-period goals, including two by Dominic Maltais. Rod Taylor and Rick Kowalsky also had two goals for the Admirals, who outshot Roanoke, 47-20.

Jeff Jablonski scored the only Roanoke goal at 19:46 of the first period on the rebound of a Dave Stewart shot.

Roanoke coach Frank Anzalone pulled Berthiaume in favor of Matt DelGuidice in the third period, but the change did little good on a night when the home team won by clearly outhustling the Express.

What had been a gentle game turned ugly in the third period when a fight erupted near the Roanoke bench, resulting in a game misconduct for Admirals forward Ron Magic, a feared fighter who appeared to be urging Jeff Jestadt to come on the ice and drop his gloves. There were three more fights before game's end.

Magic, playing in his first game since being sent down by Saint John of the American Hockey League, had a goal, and added some intimidation.

``Magic was the MVP of the game,'' Admirals coach John Brophy said with a smile. ``He had a goal, and when he came on the ice, half of the Roanoke players died of fright.''

LENGTH: Short :   48 lines

by CNB