Copyright (c) 1995, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, December 31, 1995              TAG: 9601030005
      Published correction ran on January 5, 1995.
         A story in Sunday's Business section incorrectly stated last year's 
      movement in Roanoke Electric Steel Corp.s' stock price because it failed
      to account for a stock split in May. After adjusting for the split, the 
      company's stock rose from the equivalent of $10.83 a share at the end of
      1994 to $16.62 1/2 at the end of 1995, a gain of 53.5 percent.


JAMES F. GARLOW has been elected president and treasurer of John W. Hancock Jr. Inc., a subsidiary of Roanoke Electric Steel Corp., effective Monday. Garlow, formerly the company's executive vice president, succeeds WILLIAM L. NEAL, who has retired.

Also, W. RIVERS CLAYTOR JR. has been named executive vice president and secretary of the company. He previously was vice president-engineering and sales. CARL W. PUGH JR., who formerly was assistant vice president, has become vice president-engineering.

VAN B. JOHNSON has been promoted from assistant vice president to vice president-manufacturing.

DONALD W. ZIMMERMAN, previously assistant vice president, has been named vice president-contract administration.

John W. Hancock Jr. Inc. fabricates steel joists for commercial and industrial buildings using steel manufactured by its parent company, Roanoke Electric Steel Corp.


The Blue Ridge Chapter of the American Institute of Architects has elected officers for 1996: KEVIN L. BERTHOLF, Architectural Concrete Products in Daleville, president; JAMES EDWIN JOHNSON, Hayes Seay Mattern and Mattern in Roanoke, vice president and president-elect; HUNTER B. GREEN, Hunter B. Green Architecture in Salem, secretary; and DONALD D. PRITCHARD, Sherertz Franklin Crawford Shaffner Inc. in Roanoke, treasurer.

Directors are MARK W. SMITH, Architectural Partners, Lynchburg; JEFFREY PARKHILL, Hughes Associates, Roanoke; WILLIAM W. HUBER, Echols-Sparger & Associates, Marion; PETER I. KARP, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; JEFFREY R. WOOD, Rife & Wood Architects, Roanoke; and MICHAEL HEDGEPETH, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.

CHARLES CATHCART has joined the professional staff at Thompson + Litton, an engineering, architectural and planning firm based in Wise, where he is a design engineer on civil projects.


JOE MILLER, president of J.E. Miller Construction Inc. in Salem, has been elected president of the Roanoke Regional Home Builders Association for 1996. Other officers are DAVID RADFORD, Radford & Co., Roanoke, vice president; EDDIE FORT, PD & M Inc., Moneta, treasurer; JOHN BROCK, Trademark Builders Inc., Roanoke, secretary; JEFF WASHENBERGER, Washenberger Construction, Salem, vice president/Remodelors Council; KATHLEEN REMINGTON, AquaTech, Salem, vice president/associate; G.K. KINSEY, Owens & Co. Realtors, Roanoke, vice president/sales and marketing.

ROBERT J. FLYNN, president of Royal Construction Co. in Roanoke, has been elected vice president/treasurer of Home Builders Association of Virginia for 1996. Flynn was also selected Builder of the Year for 1995 by the association. LEWIS C. JAMISON, president of Heritage Builders Ltd. in Roanoke, has been re-elected Region I (Roanoke region) vice president. TERRY MORCOM, vice president of Morcom Building Contractors Inc. in Lynchburg, has been elected Region II (Central Virginia) vice president.


JAN SESSOR has been named national accounts manager for Universal Self Care Inc. in Roanoke. Universal, a company providing services and mail-order products to diabetics, is the parent company of Diabetes Self Care Inc. of Roanoke. Sessor will head the the company's Universal Rx division, a prescription benefit management service for group benefit providers. He previously was the Mid-Atlantic account executive with United Pharmacy Network.

ROBERT GLOSSNER has been appointed medical physicist and radiation safety officer at Lewis-Gale Medical Center in Salem, where he is responsible for providing radiological physics support for Lewis-Gale Regional Cancer Center's radiation oncology department.

LISA CRAFT, executive director of Roanoke-based Blue Ridge Regional Health Care Coalition, has been elected to a four-year term on the ambulatory health care professional and technical advisory committee of the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. She will represent the National Business Coalition on Health, an organization representing business health care coalitions nationwide.


MARK A. TENNEY has been promoted to general manager of Texas Tavern, a Roanoke restaurant. Tenney has been with Texas Tavern since 1981 and previously was night manager.

Information on personnel changes of interest to people in business should be sent to this column, c/o The Roanoke Times, P.O. Box 2491, Roanoke, Va. 24010.

LENGTH: Long  :  103 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  (headshot) Garlow, Claytor, Pugh, Johnson, Zimmerman,  

Bertholf, Cathcart, Miller, Sessor, Glossner, Tenney.

by CNB