ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times DATE: Wednesday, January 17, 1996 TAG: 9601170049 SECTION: NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL PAGE: A-7 EDITION: METRO
The Pentagon released the names Tuesday of four former U.S. soldiers who the military says deserted and are living in communist North Korea.
The Pentagon gave only name and rank, but the National Alliance of Families for the Return of America's Missing Servicemen provided hometown, when each left his unit and age at the time:
Pvt. Larry A. Abshier; Urbana, Ill.; left his unit in May 1962; 19.
Cpl. Jerry W. Parrish; Morganfield, Ky.; December 1963; 19.
Pvt. James Dresnok; Norfolk, Va.; August 1962; 21.
Sgt. Robert Jenkins; Rich Square, N.C.; January 1965; 25.
Officials said Abshier, Dresnok and Jenkins are believed to have acted in the early 1980s in a North Korean movie, ``Nameless Heroes,'' about intelligence during the Korean War.
- Associated Press
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