ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times DATE: Friday, January 26, 1996 TAG: 9601260104 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: B-3 EDITION: METRO SOURCE: BETTY HAYDEN
Roanoke police charged a Southwest Roanoke man with setting fire to a house in his neighborhood.
Phillip Vincent Orren, 20, lives a few doors down from a two-story house owned by James Glass in the 800 block of Patterson Avenue. Glass' house caught fire Tuesday night as he slept inside.
Glass was not injured, and the fire did not spread beyond the back porch, but the blaze caused an estimated $4,000 damage.
Orren was arrested Thursday night and was held in the Roanoke City Jail on $15,000 bond. His arraignment is scheduled for this morning.
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