ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times DATE: Friday, February 9, 1996 TAG: 9602090109 SECTION: EXTRA PAGE: 1 EDITION: METRO COLUMN: Friday Something SOURCE: NANCY GLEINER
Call me sexist, but I'd be willing to bet that more men than women will be buying Valentine's Day cards on Wednesday.
Perhaps testosterone impedes the recall of anniversaries, birthdays, Valentine's Day, etc., despite the bombardment of commercial messages and hints dropped like bowling balls.
No need to plan a romantic evening for your sweetheart Wednesday. Just let her sleep. No, really. In a survey of 1,000 Americans, almost half of the women agreed that a good night's sleep is better than sex. Sixty-eight percent of the men disagreed. There goes that testosterone again.
The poll was conducted for the Harlequin Romance Report 1996, the same company that publishes books with covers that favor bare-chested men, women with perfect hair and teeth, and authors whose names obviously were not given at birth.
Don't waste your time buying her a sexy nightie at Victoria's Secret, either. According to the report, women are most likely to sleep in an old t-shirt, flannel or cotton nightgown or PJ's, in that order.
Baubles and bangles are the best gift options, followed closely by flowers. The third most popular choice is a book - perhaps one that induces sleep.
Meg Ryan and Pierce Brosnan were picked as the most romantic film stars. And the most romantic Hollywood bedroom scene, chosen by movie critics, was from the 1934 classic ``It Happened One Night.''
In that movie, interestingly enough, it didn't.
LENGTH: Short : 36 linesby CNB