Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Wednesday, February 14, 1996           TAG: 9602140028
COLUMN: For Seniors


Filing Federal Forms Can Be Less Taxing With Service for Seniors

George Gray, James "Jim" Hardell and Bob Swain are back for another year as counselors for the Tax-Aide program sponsored by the American Association for Retired Persons. The program, started by AARP and the Internal Revenue Service in 1968, provides free and confidential assistance in filing federal tax returns to seniors (age 60 and older) with moderate to low income. Tax assistance is provided by trained volunteers.

In the New River Valley, the program has grown from 78 returns prepared in 1991 to 185 returns prepared in 1995. More than 31,000 trained volunteers annually assist in the preparation of over 11/2 million federal, state, and local tax returns nationwide. The Tax-Aide volunteer accuracy rate, as reported by the IRS, is better than 95 percent.

Swain has been a Tax-Aide counselor for the last four years. This year, he is the local coordinator for the Montgomery County Unit. He retired from Virginia Tech after 20 years as the fiscal officer for the Extension division.

Swain said, "I feel good about helping folks. This is a unique service and our clients seem to really appreciate our efforts."

George Gray, emeritus professor of engineering at Virginia Tech, has been a Tax-Aide for the last two years.

James "Jim" Hardell, Tax-Aide coordinator for the last three years, will work this year as a Tax-Aide counselor. Hardell taught for 23 years at Virginia Tech.

The service is available on Thursdays from 1 to 3 p.m., through April 11. Call Sherry Kostric at 381-8173 or stop by the Christiansburg Senior Center on Montgomery Street to schedule an appointment.

To locate a Tax-Aide site near you, call your local IRS Information Office listed in your phone directory.

WARM HEARTH VILLAGE, Blacksburg, Warm Hearth Village Activity Center, Line Dance Made Easy, Thursdays, 2:15 p.m., beginners, 2:30 p.m., all levels, 552-1498.

CHRISTIANSBURG SENIOR CENTER, 655 Montgomery St. Sherry Kostric, 382-8173:

Ongoing activities are exercise groups, aerobics, cards, hobbies, billiards and Bible study.

Wednesday, 1 p.m., Valentine's Day party, $1.

Thursday, 1-3 p.m., free tax assistance by appointment.

Friday, 4:45 p.m., van leaves National Guard Armory for Homeplace Restaurant. $3, seniors; $6, ages 21-54. $12 for family style buffet.

Monday, 1 p.m., Senior Center Book Club meeting.

Tuesday, 10:45 a.m., presentation by Mark Cruise of the Free Clinic of the NRV.

Feb. 22, 1-3 p.m., free tax assistance. Appointment required.

Feb. 26, 11:30 a.m., lunch and slide show.

Feb. 27, 10:30 a.m., Frank Graves presents Neighborhood Watch program.

RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM, 1 Franklin St., Courthouse Annex, Christiansburg. Victoria Scott, 382-5775:

Today, 8:30 a.m., van departs for Valentine's Breakfast.

Thursday, 10 a.m., Blacksburg group will work on mailing.

Monday, 10 a.m., Shawsville group will work on SHARE.

Tuesday, 10 a.m. Warm Hearth and McCoy groups will work on SHARE.

Feb. 21, 10 a.m., both Christiansburg groups work on SHARE.

Feb. 22, 10 a.m., Blacksburg group visits Virginia Pre-School Initiative program.

Feb. 26, 2 p.m., Shawsville group will assist with Meadow Brook's birthday and Valentines parties.

Feb. 27, 2 p.m., Warm Hearth group attends Brook Meade Valentine reception.

RADFORD SENIOR CENTER, 27 First St. Mary Jane Harmon, 731-3634:

Ongoing activities are walking, cards, ceramics, quilting, exercise and creative writing.

Feb. 21, 5 p.m., American Association for Retired Persons potluck dinner.

Feb. 23, 10 a.m., van departs for trip to Valley View Mall.

GILES COUNTY SENIOR CENTER: 1320 Wenonah Ave., Pearisburg. Betty Letsinger, 921-3924:

Ongoing activities are walking, line dancing, cards, ceramics and singing. The swim therapy program at the Blacksburg Aquatic Center meets Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, weather permitting. Transportation leaves at 9:30 a.m.

Thursday, 1-2 p.m. "Dancing Grannies" exercise class.

Friday, AARP No. 502 meeting. Trooper Hall presents program on drugs.

Monday, 7:30 p.m., Daughters of the American Revolution meeting.

Feb. 22, 1-2 p.m., "Dancing Grannies" exercise class.

Feb. 23, 1:30 p.m., Sharing Grief group meets.

PULASKI SENIOR CENTER, 106 N. Washington Ave. Tina Faiszt, 980-1000:

Ongoing activities are ceramics and cards.

Today, 10 a.m.-noon, income tax assistance.

Thursday, van departs for trip to Mercer Mall, Princeton, W.Va.

Feb. 21, 10 a.m.-noon, income tax assistance.

Feb. 22, 11 a.m., Round Table discussion.

Feb. 27, 8 a.m., van departs for Southern Spring Show in Charlotte, N.C.

BLACKSBURG SENIOR PROGRAMS, Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive. Joy Herbert, 961-1134:

Ongoing activities are canasta and bridge. Classes available in computers, ceramics, art, calligraphy and bridge. Exercise programs include: Tuesdays, 10-11 a.m., indoor tennis; Monday, Wednesday and Friday, 9-10 a.m., walking group; Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, 8:45-9:45 a.m., Seniors Aerobics.

Today, 11:30 a.m., van departs Community Center for Radford's Alleghany Cafe. Transportation is free.

Thursday, 9:30 a.m., Conversation and Coffee; 10-11 a.m., program: "Entitlements." Next week: "Your Genes Can Play Tricks On You," by Vernon Baldwin.

Tuesday, noon-2 p.m, movie "While You Were Sleeping."

Senior Shorts

Senior Employment Program: Job placement assistance and skills training for job seekers 55 years or older. New River Valley Agency on Aging, 980-7720 or 639-9677.

Word of wisdom

Thanks for your submissions on our request for "Valentines Words of Wisdom."

"Sharing is communication," and "companionship is heavenly," said Dorothy Schueler, Warm Hearth Village, Blacksburg.

Pauline Krish of Christiansburg advises that "love returns love" and knows that "love is an integral part of the circle of life."

"Always be true and faithful," said Margie Pugh, Christiansburg. "Show your love in a lot of ways."

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by CNB