Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Thursday, March 28, 1996               TAG: 9603290010



Grandin Court Baptist Church, 2660 Brambleton Ave. S.W., plans Holy Week noon services Monday through Wednesday. Speakers on the successive days will be the Rev. Laney Mofield of Colonial Avenue Baptist, the Rev. Dr. Paul Matheny of Westhampton Christian (Disciples of Christ) and the Rev. Dr. Michael Nevling of Colonial Presbyterian. Each service will be followed by lunch, costing $2, in the fellowship hall.

Christ Episcopal Church will mark Palm Sunday with a procession starting at 10:15 a.m. in Highland Park at Washington Street in Old Southwest. The liturgy at the church will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will include a dramatized reading of the Passion story from Matthew.

Raleigh Court Presbyterian Church, 1837 Grandin Road S.W., will open for meditation Monday through Wednesday from noon until 1 p.m. and from 5 to 6 p.m. Maundy Thursday Communion will begin at 7:30 p.m. in Roberson Chapel.

Jerusalem Baptist, 1014 Norfolk Ave. S.W., will have a prayer breakfast Saturday at 8 with the Rev. Ronald Marsh, associate pastor of High Street Baptist Church, as speaker.


Calvary Baptist Church, 608 Campbell Ave. S.W., has scheduled an organ recital and hymn festival April 14 at 3 p.m. The guest artist will be Gerre Hancock, the organist and master of choristers at St. Thomas Church in New York. The program is free and is presented in memory of Ola M. Thrasher. Child care will be available. The 90-minute program will include both a performance and singing conducted by Hancock.

Evelyn Conner, Southern gospel music performer from Salem, will present special music Sunday at 11 a.m. at Central Baptist Church of Starkey.

The Easter Brothers, a North Carolina gospel group, will perform Sunday at 6 p.m. at Mayflower Hills Baptist Church, 3852 Rutrough Road S.E..

Riverland Road Baptist Church, 459 Riverland Road S.E., will present the musical, "He's Still the Lamb," Sunday at 11 a.m. Brinda Booe is director.

``God So Loved the World," a musical drama, will be presented Sunday at 7 p.m. at Virginia Heights Baptist Church, 2014 Memorial Ave. S.W.

Waverly Place Baptist Church offers its annual musical drama, "One Voice," Saturday and Sunday at 7 p.m. at 1407 Kenwood Blvd. S.E. Patti Trail directs.


Grace Church, an evangelical Christian congregation at 2731 Edgewood St. S.W., will sponsor its annual Spring Bible Conference Friday through Sunday. Speaking on "Hallmark Doctrines of Great Awakening" will be the Rev. Dr. John Armstrong, director of Reformation and Revival Ministries and author of several books on Reformed spirituality. His messages will be Friday and Saturday nights at 7 and on Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m. and 6 p.m.

``Sacred Voices,'' a study of Anglican religious poets and their work, is being presented each Tuesday at noon and Thursday at 7:30 a.m. at St. John's Episcopal Church in downtown Roanoke. The Rev. Thomas O'Dell, rector, is the leader of the series designed especially for downtown workers.

Maranatha Fellowship Church, 2715 Green Ridge Road, will sponsor a seminar, "Leadership in Ministry," tonight through Saturday. The Rev. Roger Griffith, a former Roanoke Valley resident now of Myrtle Beach, S.C., will be the leader for sessions at 7 on Thursday and Friday and on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Call 562-0075 for more information about the Life Bible College course.


Charlene Landes, program director of Greene Memorial United Methodist Church, has been approved for consecration as a diaconal minister of the Virginia Annual Conference of Methodists. She will be received at the annual convention in Virginia Beach June 13-16.

Scouting awards for church attainments have been presented to several Roanoke Valley youth and adults. They are given to children and teens for individual study and practical projects under guidance of a minister of their denomination. Adults receive the awards for offering role models of faith and service.

Bart Thornton III received the God and Country Award at Fairview United Methodist Church. At South Roanoke United Methodist Church, awards went to Brownie Scouts Lydia Higgs, Dare Snead, Meredith Jones and Mary Chandler Pruette.

Adult workers at South Roanoke and Cave Spring United Methodist Churches, Barbara Norris Duerk, Pat Slusher and Jinx Weary, received the Methodist Cross and Flame Award for Girl Scout leadership.


Straight Street, a Christian program for youth in grades six through 12, will sponsor a Washington for Jesus Rally on Saturday 7-11 p.m. at the Jefferson Center Gym. Reality Check, a Christian rock group, will perform at the $3 event. Call Keith Farmer, 342-2078, for more information.

Send information to Frances Stebbins, Neighbors, PO Box 2491, Roanoke 24010-2491 by noon Thursday. Please include a daytime telephone number.

Services for Maundy Thursday through Easter will be listed in the April 4 Neighbors.

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