ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times DATE: Sunday, May 19, 1996 TAG: 9605210017 SECTION: DISCOVER PAGE: 49 EDITION: NEW RIVER VALLEY
CAMPING CAN BE very campy. And lots of fun besides. You wouldn't believe the number of camps you can discover in the New River Valley! Have a look ...
* ADVENTURE LAND CAMPS: St. Alban's Campus, Radford. Swimming, field trips. Sponsored by Community Home Care, Carilion Health System.
Ages: 6-13.
Session dates: June 17-Aug. 23.
Fees: $65 per week. Family discounts available.
Contact: 731-3030.
* APPLE RIDGE FARMS DAY CAMP: Copper Hill (Floyd County; transportation available from Roanoke). Instruction in arts, writing, mathematics and science skills, ropes course.
Ages: 6-16.
Session dates: June 24-July 3, ages 6-12, ``Arts at Apple Ridge'' (performing arts). $200. July 8-12, ages 6-15, ``Drum Camp'' (variety of percussion instruments). $125. July 15-19 (ages 6-15), ``Mathematics and Nature Studies Camp'' (math and science skills, hands-on environmental awareness). $125. July 22-Aug. 2, ages 6-15, ``Science and Nature Studies Camp'' (environmental awareness, hands-on activities). $250. Aug. 5-16, ages 13-16, ``Careers and College Preparation'' (test-taking skills, resume preparation, field trips). $250.
Fees: Financial assistance available.
Contact: Jefferson Center, 541 Luck Ave., No.228, Roanoke 24016 or 982-1322.
Golf Camps: Municipal Golf Course, Graves Avenue. Fundamentals skills.
Ages: 9-14.
Session dates: June 24-28, July 8-12.
Fees: $35.
Tennis Camps: Blacksburg Municipal Courts. Fundamental skills.
Ages: 6-14.
Session dates: June 17-21, June 24-28, July 8-12.
Fees: $35.
Basketball Camps: One on one and group training.
Ages: 9-13.
Session dates: July 1-5 (closed July 4), July 29-Aug. 2, Aug. 5-9.
Fees: $45.
Baseball Camp: Fundamental skills, drills, daily games.
Ages: 9-13.
Session dates: June 24-28.
Fees: $40.
Volleyball Camp: Fundamental skills, drill stations, daily games.
Ages: 9-13.
Session dates: June 24-28.
Fees: $35.
Lifetime Sports Camps: Sports, swimming, bowling, skating, fishing, trips to R.J. Ranch and more.
Ages: 9-13.
Session dates: July 8-12, July 15-19, July 22-26.
Fees: $60.
Youth Discovery Nature Camps: Hands-on nature projects and games.
Ages: 5-8.
Session dates: July 1-5 (closed July 4), morning or afternoon sessions available.
Fees: $30.
High Adventure Camps: Rock climbing, caving, canoeing, hiking, overnight camping and more.
Ages: 11-16, various sessions.
Session dates: June 24-28, July 8-12 (ages 11-13); Traveling camp to West Virginia, 2 overnights, rock climbing, whitewater rafting, July 17-19 (ages 14-16); rock climbing, caving, scuba, hiking, canoeing, one overnight, July 22-26 (ages 14-16); rock climbing, caving, hiking, canoeing, mountain biking, one overnight, July 29-Aug. 2 (ages 14-16).
Fees: $90-$100.
Art Camp: Drawing, painting, clay, sculpting.
Ages: 9-12.
Session dates: July 1-5 (closed July 4).
Fees: $45.
Serendipity Art Camps: Arts, clay and crafts.
Ages: 5-8.
Session dates: July 22-26, July 29-Aug. 2.
Fees: $45.
Busy Beaver Camps: Arts and crafts, movement, songs, activities.
Ages: 3-5.
Session dates: June 24-28 (ages 4-5); July 15-19 (ages 3-4).
Fees: $45.
Computer Camps: Keyboarding, programming, graphics, games.
Ages: 9-12.
Session dates: July 15-19, July 22-26.
Fees: $50.
Contact for all camps: 961-1135. Registration begins May 15 at Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive.
* CAMP 2-SWEET: Diabetes Day Camp of the New River Valley at Radford University. For children with diabetes. Management skills, nutrition, swimming, bowling, crafts. Sponsored by Radford Community Hospital and Radford University.
Ages: 6-15.
Session dates: July 22-26.
Fees: $25. Financial aid available.
Contact: Lynda Hubble, RCH, 700 Randolph St., Radford 24141-2430 or 731-2645.
* CAMP MARANTHA: Dublin. Christian camp including swimming, volleyball, basketball, games, softball and more. Sponsored by Appalachian Conference Christian Education Department.
Ages: 7-18.
Session dates: Primary Camp, July 15-19 (ages 7-9); Middler Camp, July 8-12 (ages 10-12); Young Teen Camp, July 1-5 (ages 13-15); Senior Teen Camp, June 24-28 (ages 16-18).
Fees: $70. Family discounts available.
Contact: Appalachian Conference Christian Education Dept., P.O. Box 1086, Dublin 24084 or 674-4132.
* CAMP SEW FUN: Sew Biz, Harvey Street, Radford. Sewing techniques include basics and some advanced sewing skills.
Ages: 6 and older.
Session dates: July 15-17, Aug. 5-7, Aug 19-22.
Fees: Session 1, $49; Session 2, $56; Session 3, $36.
Contact: Elizabeth Galecki or Martha Preston, 639-1198.
* CAMP TUK-A-WAY: 2266 Craigs Creek Road, Blacksburg. Swimming, hiking, sports, games. Sponsored by Fellowship of Grace Brethren Churches in Virginia.
Ages: Grades 3-12.
Session dates: June 17-22 (grades 3-5); June 23-29 (grades 9-12); June 30-July 6 (grades 6-8).
Fees: $95; grades 3-5, $85. Family discounts.
Contact: 362-0336.
* CAMP WHEEZER: Asthma Day Camp of the New River Valley at Radford University. For children with asthma. Management skills, nutrition, swimming, bowling, crafts. Sponsored by Radford Community Hospital and Radford University.
Ages: 6-12.
Session dates: July 8-12.
Fees: $25. Financial aid available.
Contact: Lynda Hubble, RCH, 700 Randolph St., Radford 24141-2430 or 731-2645.
* CHEER CAMP OF EXCELLENCE: Virginia Tech. For cheerleading squads.
Ages: Middle- and high-schoolers.
Session dates: July 7-9, 12-14, 19-21, 26-28, Aug. 1-3, 5-7, 9-11.
Fees: $145, resident; $97, day; $97, sponsor.
Contact: P.O. Box 10271, Blacksburg 24062 or 231-6489, 552-6827.
Ages: 5-13.
Session dates: June 10 - 1 week before school starts (Montgomery County); June 17 - 1 week before school starts. (Giles County).
Fees: Vary based on full-time or part-time
Contact: Ellen Canode, 382-3783.
Youth Baseball Camp: Kiwanis Park. Hitting, fielding, pitching and throwing, base running and sliding.
Ages: 9-11.
Session dates: June 24-28, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m..
Fees: town residents, $50; nonresidents, $55.
Ages: 12-14.
Session dates: June 17-21, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m..
Fees: town residents, $50; nonresidents, $55.
Youth Bowling Lessons: Triangle Lanes Bowling Alley.
Ages: 3-6 for Bumper Bowling; 7-18 for Beginning Bowling.
Session dates: June 24-28, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m..
Fees: town residents, $5; nonresidents, $10.
Contact: Chuck Muncy, 382-2349.
CITY OF RADFORD DAY CAMP: Sponsored by New River Community Action.
Ages: 4-12.
Session dates: June 24-27, July 8-11.
Fees: $6, includes transportation.
Contact: NRCA, 106-B S. Franklin St., Christiansburg, Head Start Center, Grove United Methodist Church, 1020 Tyler Ave., Radford (Monday-Friday, 1-3 p.m.), or call 382-6186.
DOUG DAY'S BASKETBALL CAMP: Radford High School. Sponsored by Radford Recreation Department.
Ages: Coed, 8-16.
Session dates: July 8-11, July 15-18.
Fees: $90.
Contact: 806 Summit Drive, Blacksburg 24060 or 552-0894.
GARY CLARK'S ``WHY SAY NO'' SPORTS CAMP: Radford University. Substance abuse, violence prevention and leadership program, football, basketball, soccer, cheerleading.
Ages: Coed, 8-16.
Session dates: July 7-13.
Fees: $275, resident; $175, day. Nonrefundable registration fee, $100.
Contact: 674-1321; fax, 674-1434.
Pee Wee Camp:
Ages: 5-7.
Session dates: July 8-12.
Fees: $55.
Day Camp:
Ages: 8-13.
Session dates: July 8-12.
Fees: $120.
Contact: Spencer Smith, 831-5215.
Advanced and Team Camp:
Ages: 10-18.
Session dates: June 23-27.
Fees: $285 ($260 for team of 7 or more); $200, day.
Contact: Spencer Smith, 831-5215.
HISTORY CAMP AT SMITHFIELD PLANTATION: 1000 Plantation Road, Blacksburg. Archaeological dig, encampments, planting and growing herbs, surveying, designing a frontier homestead and other activities.
Ages: 8-11 or grades 4-6. Session one, fourth grade or 8-11. Session two, grades 5-6.
Session dates: June 10-14 and 17-21 (ages 8-11 and fourth grades). Aug. 12-16 and 19-23 (grades 5-6).
Fees: $75; $120 for two weeks.
Contact: 231-3947.
LAUREL CREEK'S NATURE AND ECOLOGY CAMP AT SMITHFIELD PLANTATION: 1000 Plantation Road, Blacksburg. Interaction with the environment by the colonials, herbs, tree identification, animal tracking, wildlife demonstrations.
Session dates: July 15-19.
Contact: 231-3947.
MONTGOMERY COUNTY PARKS AND RECREATION PLAYCAMPS: Arts and crafts, nature, sports, games, swimming, field trips.
Ages: 5-12.
Session dates: June 17-28, July 1-12, July 15-26, July 29-Aug. 9.
Fees: $100 per session. Family discounts.
Contact: MCPRD, 410 County Road, Christiansburg or 382-6980.
Ages: Middle and high school students.
Session dates: June 17-21.
Fees: $250, resident; $175, commuter.
Contact: Margo Easter, 552-4501 or 231-8494; E-mail,
Ages: Grades 2-8.
Session dates: ``Science in Motion,'' June 17-21 (grades 6-8). ``Logs and Pollywogs,'' June 24-28 (grades 2-5).
Contact: Debbie Douthat, 674-3600, ext. 292.
Basketball Shooting Camp for Girls:
Ages: 10-18.
Session dates: June 7-9.
Fees: $75.
Contact: 831-5345.
Soccer Pee Wee Camp:
Ages: Coed, 5-7.
Session dates: July 1-5.
Fees: $55.
Contact: 831-5215.
Soccer Day Camp:
Ages: Coed, 8-13.
Session dates: July 8-12.
Fees: $120.
Contact: 831-5215.
Basketball Competitive Position Camp for Girls:
Ages: 10-18.
Session dates: June 14-16.
Fees: $125, resident; $100, day.
Contact: 831-5345.
Individual Basketball Camp for Girls:
Ages: 10-18.
Session dates: June 23-26.
Fees: Resident, $225; day, $155.
Contact: 831-5345.
Soccer Pee Wee Camp:
Ages: 5-7.
Session dates: July 1-5.
Fees: $55.
Contact: 831-5345.
Team Basketball Camp for Girls:
Ages: 10-18.
Session dates: July 31-Aug. 4.
Fees: Resident, $225; day, $155.
Contact: 831-5345.
Basketball Team Camp for Boys:
Ages: Grades 6-12.
Session dates: June 16-20.
Fees: $225, resident; $155, day.
Contact: 831-5345.
Individual Basketball Camp for Boys:
Ages: 8-18.
Session dates: July 14-18.
Fees: Resident, $255; day, $155.
Contact: 831-5345.
Advanced and Team Soccer Camp:
Ages: 10-18.
Session dates: June 23-27.
Fees: $285, resident; $200, day.
Contact: 831-5968.
Eastern Cheerleaders Association Camp:
Session dates: July 26-29.
Contact: (804) 636-2000.
Youth Computer Camp: Resident camp.
Session dates: June 14-16.
Contact: 831-6512.
Theater Adventure:
Ages: Coed, 8-16.
Session dates: June 17-21.
Fees: $35.
Contact: Pat Horne, 382-4761.
Arts Adventure '96:
Ages: Coed, 9-17.
Session dates: July 15-19.
Fees: $75.
Contact: Betty Turner, 831-5025 or 381-0626.
RADFORD UNIVERSITY SUMMER ARTS CONSERVATORY: Radford University Campus. Classes in video art, dance, theater, madrigal singing, instrumental jazz.
Ages: Grade 9-12. Previous experience required.
Session dates: July 7-13.
Fees: $350.
Contact: Joseph Scartelli, 831-5265; E-mail,
RAINBOW RIDERS CAMP: Kipps Elementary School, Blacksburg. Swimming, riding, environmental studies, art and more.
Ages: Grades 4-6.
Session dates: June 10-opening of Montgomery County schools.
Fees: $85 per week. $25, activity fee. Additional fees possible.
Contact: 951-3636.
Ages: Coed, ages 7-9 and 10-12.
Session dates: ``Mountains to the Valley'' (stream exploration), July 1-5 (ages 7-9), July 29-Aug. 2 (ages 10-12). ``Mussels and Mills: Life and Living in the Southern Appalachian Mountains,'' July 8-12 (ages 7-9), Aug. 5-9 (ages 10-12). ``Lichens, Logs, Lakes: Ecology and Natural History of Mountain Lake,'' July 15-19 (ages 7-9), Aug. 12-16 (ages 10-12). ``Find Your Food: Follow Your Food's Trail From Farm and Forest to Your Cupboard,'' July 22-26 (ages 7-9), Aug. 19-23 (ages 10-12).
Fees: $100 per week.
Contact: Mike Rosenzweig or Dave Deshler, 552-3914 or E-mail SEEDSBEV.NET.
Bill Foster's Hokie Basketball Camp:
Ages: Coed, 7-16.
Session dates: July 29-Aug. 1. Application deadline, July 22.
Fees: $125.
Contact: 231-6725.
Carol Alfano Basketball Camps: 320 Cassell Coliseum.
Junior Day Camp:
Ages: Coed, grades 1-7.
Session dates: July 22-25.
Fees: $60.
Shooting Camp:
Ages: Coed, grades 3-12.
Session dates: July 22-25.
Fees: $60.
Hoops For A Day Team Camp:
Ages: Girls, varsity and junior varsity teams.
Session date: Aug. 2.
Fees: $200 per team.
Contact: Kay Collier or Jill Jameson, 231-4998.
VIRGINIA TECH CAMPS: Virginia Tech, Blacksburg.
All-Sports Camp: Basketball, golf, swimming, track and field, tennis, gymnastics, soccer, canoeing, baseball, football.
Ages: Coed, 8-16.
Session dates: June 23-July 5, July 7-July 19.
Fees: $2,100, four weeks; $1,200, two weeks.
Contact: Russ Whitenack, 961-4412.
Carol Alfano Basketball Camps: 320 Cassell Coliseum.
Position Camp:
Ages: Girls, grades 8-12.
Session dates: June 21-23.
Fees: $130, resident; $115, day.
Individual Camp:
Ages: Girls, grades 5-12.
Session dates: June 27-30.
Fees: $200, resident; $150, day.
Team Camp:
Ages: Girls, varsity and junior varsity teams.
Session dates: July 26-28.
Fees: $145, resident; $120, day.
Bill Foster's Hokie Basketball Camp:
Ages: Boys, 8-18.
Session dates: June 16-20. Application deadline, June 9.
Fees: $275, resident; $190, day.
Contact: 231-6725.
Hokie Football Camp:
Ages: 9-rising senior.
Session dates: July 14-17.
Fees: $205, resident; $125, day.
Contact: John Ballein, 231-6368.
Soccer Youth Day Camp for Boys and Girls:
Session dates: June 17-July 21.
Contact: Jerry Cheynet, 231-5128.
Soccer Intermediate Camp for Boys and Girls:
Session dates: June 29-July 3.
Contact: Jerry Cheynet, 231-5128.
Soccer Advanced Boys Camp:
Session dates: July 21-25.
Contact: Jerry Cheynet, 231-5128.
Women's Soccer I:
Session dates: June 24-28.
Contact: Sam Okpodu, 231-6423, or Anne Brennan, 231-6660.
Women's Soccer II:
Session dates: July 13-17.
Contact: Sam Okpodu, 231-6423, or Anne Brennan, 231-6660.
Wrestling Camp:
Session dates: July 14-18.
Contact: Jerry Cheynet, 231-5128.
Baseball Camp I:
Session dates: June 23-27.
Chuck Hartman, 231-6417.
Baseball Camp II:
Session dates: July 7-11.
Chuck Hartman, 231-6417.
Tennis I:
Session dates: June 16-21.
Anne Jones, 231-5037.
Tennis II:
Ages: 8-17.
Session dates: June 23-28.
Anne Jones, 231-5037.
Upward Bound: Available to high-schoolers who meet eligibility criteria.
Session dates: June 20-Aug. 10.
Jimmie Johnson, 231-6911.
Manufacturing Engineering Program for Young Scholars: June 30-July 27.
Contact: Bev Watford, 231-7404.
Youth Conservation Camp:
Ages: 14-18.
Session dates: July 7-12.
Robin Minich, (804) 371-2356.
Summer Around the Drillfield:
Session dates: June 26-June 30.
Debbie Shelton, 231-6285.
VIRGINIA TECH MUSIC CAMP: Band, choir, ensemble rehearsals, classes in conducting, jazz, improvisation, composition and computer applications.
Ages: Grades 7-10.
Session dates: June 23-29.
Fees: $245, resident; $160, day.
David Widder, 231-5685.
YMCA CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER: Christian-based program emphasizing caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Swimming, in-line skating, arts, crafts, drama and music.
Ages: 5-13.
Session dates: June 12-Aug. 29.
Fees: $12 per day. Family discount.
Contact: YMCA Child Development Center, 615 Oakhurst Ave., Pulaski. 980-7422.
YMCA OPEN UNIVERSITY COMPUTER CAMP: Learn computer skills through computer games, writing and printing an on-line newspaper.
Ages: 6 and up.
Session dates: Session 1, June 17-21, ages 6-11; Session 2, June 24-28, ages 12 and older; Session 3, July 8-12, ages 6-11.
Fees: $80
Contact: Marge Gond, YMCA Open University, 403 Washington St., Blacksburg. 231-4208.
LENGTH: Long : 465 lines ILLUSTRATION: GRAPHIC: George Wills. CNB