Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, August 10, 1996              TAG: 9608120128
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-4  EDITION: METRO 


Dan Keffer, a mainstay on the local and state golf scene, was resting comfortably at Lewis-Gale Hospital on Friday after suffering a mild heart attack Thursday.

Keffer started feeling chest pains Thursday and drove himself to the hospital. After tests, he was admitted to Lewis-Gale's intensive care unit, where he remained Friday night.

Phil Owenby, the head professional at Roanoke Country Club where Keffer was a member for years, said Friday night the golfer ``was doing fine.''

Keffer, 58, has been one of the top amateur golfers in the Roanoke area for decades. He advanced to the final of the 1981 VSGA State Amateur, in which he lost to George MacDonald of Virginia Beach. He finished second in the 1994 and '95 Roanoke Valley Golf Hall of Fame Seniors championships.

Keffer's son, Charlie, made headlines in July when he advanced to the semifinal round of the State Amateur in Hot Springs. The younger Keffer lost 2 and 1 to eventual champion John Rollins of Richmond.

- Staff report

LENGTH: Short :   28 lines

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