Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, November 22, 1996              TAG: 9611220057
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: B-6  EDITION: METRO 


KARL WILLIS has withdrawn from his Nov. 29 fight in Roanoke against ex-champ Thomas Hearns.

Just a week before he will fight at the Roanoke Civic Center, boxer Thomas Hearns is a man without an opponent.

Karl ``The Scorpion'' Willis, 25, announced Nov.12 as Hearns' opponent in the main event of the ``Brawl Beneath the Star,'' has backed out to correct an undisclosed medical condition that has plagued him for most of his life. Willis, with a 23-5 record, is expected to be out of action for six months.

The card, which is supposed to include eight bouts, up to three of which will be televised on ESPN2, will be held on Nov. 29. The 2-hour telecast will begin at 7:30, but the first bout will occur sometime earlier in the evening. Although it was announced by local promoters there would be a blackout within a 100-mile radius, two ESPN officials said Thursday they do not black out events televised on ESPN2 and will not black out this fight.

The Hearns fight and the co-feature between IBA junior lightweight champion Francisco ``El Tigre'' Arreola and Lalo Montes will be shown, along with another bout that probably will be on tape delay.

At a news conference Thursday in the ballroom of the Patrick Henry Hotel, Hearns said, ``It's such a letdown to me to know my opponent won't be able to make the fight. I have no idea who they're getting for me, and honestly, I don't care.''

According to Harold Smith, president of Global Sports Network, which is helping to promote the fight along with Roanoke-based Steelhawk Promotions, a new opponent for Hearns should be lined up by today.

``Thomas doesn't want to fight some fighter that will only last a couple seconds or a couple rounds,'' Smith said.

Hearns said he wasn't worried and wouldn't be bothered by training for a different opponent. He also has a busy schedule. Aside from training, Hearns will appear at a ribbon-cutting ceremony today for the opening of Victory Gym underneath the visitors' stands in Victory Stadium. He will have an open sparring session at the gym from noon to 1:30 p.m. Saturday in conjunction with sign-ups for the Roanoke City Boxing Association's youth amateur boxing program.

``I've prepared myself for whoever it may be,'' Hearns said. ``I'll adapt to his style. A lot of guys stay in close with me. If they stay out and want to box, too bad for them.

``As long as I've been around,'' the 38-year old continued, ``it makes no difference at all.''

Hearns, however, has insisted the card be different. Namely, he added a female bout to the card. Beverly Szymanski, a 33-year old mother of two, will fight an as yet-unnamed opponent. Szymanski, of Marine City, Mich., drives 100 miles a day to train at the Kronk, Hearns' gym in Detroit.

Asked if cards often get jumbled like this one, Szymanski said, ``Constantly.''

LENGTH: Medium:   58 lines

by CNB