Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Saturday, November 30, 1996            TAG: 9612020048


Va. pilot hits house, walks away

FORT WASHINGTON, Md. - A Virginia pilot was hospitalized Friday after his small plane crashed shortly after takeoff and sheared off part of the roof and chimney of an empty house.

The 53-year-old pilot walked away from the crash, apparently with a fractured wrist and some facial injuries, said Prince George's County Fire Department spokesman Mark Brady.

The pilot, identified as Brian Mullady of Springfield, was the only occupant of the plane. Authorities said the owner of the brick home returned about five hours after the crash to find the house heavily damaged.

The pilot told authorities he had just taken off from Potomac Airfield when his plane lost power.

- Associated Press

16 from House back whistleblower

WASHINGTON - Sixteen House members have asked President Clinton to reinstate the security clearance of a State Department official who exposed a paid CIA agent's cover-up of two murders in Guatemala. One of the victims was a U.S. citizen.

Richard Nuccio, a former top administration aide on Cuba and Guatemala, was stripped of his security clearance after he notified a member of Congress in 1995 of the activities of the CIA operative, Julio Roberto Alpirez, a Guatemalan colonel.

A letter to Clinton from former House International Relations Committee Chairman Lee Hamilton, D-Ind., and 15 other lawmakers praised Nuccio and said his punishment was undeserved.

- Associated Press

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