Copyright (c) 1996, Roanoke Times

DATE: Friday, December 27, 1996              TAG: 9612270021
SECTION: EXTRA                    PAGE: 1    EDITION: METRO 
COLUMN: friday something


Before the ball (and a few drunks) drop in Times Square on Tuesday night, let's look into what 1997 has in store for us.

Tired of hearing the throbbing of your teen-ager's woofers? An entertainment system in the walls will signal an electronic pin you wear. As you move from room to room, the music will change to whatever you've chosen. The walls may truly have ears.

No-frills law firms will make it as easy to change your will or to get an uncontested divorce as it is to pick up an order of burgers and fries. ``I'd like that alimony check `to go,' please.''

An artificial nose will identify people's ``signature'' odors to detect diseases. Breath and sweat samples will be analyzed for odor patterns. Patients will not be allowed to mail in dirty socks.

Microwave beams creating friction-cutting shock waves will eliminate the need for bulky tanks of fuel, making it possible for you to have a spacecraft of your own. ``Hey, honey, let's make the jump to light speed this weekend.''

Computers might someday replace legislators. Computers can track more factors on an issue than a human can and can reach conclusions without being influenced by emotional reactions. But will they be honest? |- Source: The Futurist

LENGTH: Short :   36 lines

by CNB