Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times

DATE: Sunday, February 16, 1997              TAG: 9702180039
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C-3  EDITION: METRO 


The first order of business for Floyd County wrestler Kamal Chantal was to come from behind to whip Jeremiah Brockenbrough of Parry McCluer 8-5 for the 152-pound Group A state title.

The second was to howl at the ceiling of the Salem Civic Center and point to the ecstatic Buffaloes gallery in celebration of his second state crown and 35th straight victory.

His third was to make dinner plans.

"I'm going to a salad bar, anywhere I can eat as much as I want,'' said Chantal, who had to diet relentlessly to stay in his weight class this season.

A feast fit for the king of his class. In that, he was in familiar company.

The Three Rivers District, of which Chantal's Buffaloes are a member, had four other state champions Saturday night, all of them from Radford.

Peter Lee at 160 pounds was the last of them, pinning Marty Magerko of Northampton. Lee, the state runner-up last year at 152, had a long time to think about winning the title this year.

Lee derived inspiration from watching teammates Ryan Hall (125), Brian Hudson (130) and Mike Dunbar (145) wrestle their way to the top of the state.

Despite those heroics, Strasburg won the team championship with 166.5 points. The Bobcats were second with 141.5 points, narrowly ahead of defending state champion Brentsville District (140).

"Nothing better than having three state champions go before you,'' Lee said. "Not only does it keep the pressure on you, it lifts your spirits. I love that kind of pressure.''

Hall and Dunbar, both juniors, had another kind of pressure. Both had older brothers who had preceded them to glory at Radford. Andrew Hall won the state several years back and Elmo Dunbar last year.

"He asked me before the match if I was ready,'' Mike Dunbar said, relating a conversation with his older brother before the final with Eric Hoffman of Patrick Henry-Glade Spring. "I said I was. He said, `Well go out and beat him, then.' Elmo won one; I guess I had to have one, too.''

Mike Dunbar muscled his way to a 13-4 major decision.

Both Hall and Hudson had tough, come-from-behind matches. Hall scored the last four points to beat Rufus Strugill of J.J. Kelly. That avenged a loss in the consolation rounds last season.

"I think he expected to win this one,'' Hall said. "I thought the last minute-and-a-half was never going to end.''

Hudson got a longer match than he'd counted on with Jack Gaylor of John Battle. Gaylor scored on an escape in the last three seconds of regulation to tie the score and send the bout into overtime, where Hudson won it.

"All I thought of in the extra period was winning that state championship," he said.

In other championship matches involving Timesland wrestlers:

Shane Cogswell of Strasburg edged Jason Cuddy of James River 4-3 in overtime at 103; Chad Lamma of Strasburg pinned Joseph Goorskey of Floyd County at 2:28 of the 112-pound match; 171-pounder Raymond Whitaker of Essex knocked off Justin Nowers of Rural Retreat by major decision 15-6; and Israel Hamilton of Coeburn stopped Anthony Hagee of Rural Retreat with a 1:15 pin at 215 pounds.


1, Strasburg (STR) 166.5; 2, Radford (RAD) 141.5; 3, Brentsville District (BD) 140; 4, Floyd County (FC) 110.5; 5, Rural Retreat (RR) 94; 6, John Battle (JB) 90; 7, J.J. Kelly (JJK) 76.5; 8, tie Manassas Park (MP), Essex (E) 69.5; 10, Coeburn (COE) 65; 11, Northwood (NW) 55; 12, James River (JR) 53.5; 13, Mathews (M) 52.5; 14, Madison County (MC) 5l; 15, Patrick Henry (PH) 47; 16, Parry McCluer (PM) 43; 17, Northumberland (NLD) 41; 18, Shawsville (SV) 39; 19, Riverheads (RIV) 38; 20, Powell Valley (PV) 33.5; 21, George Mason (GM) 32.5; 22, Holston (HOL) 31; 23, Chilhowie (CHW) 28; 24, Fort Chiswell (FCH) 24.5; 25, Glenvar (GL) 22; 26, tie Garden (GAR), Buffalo Gap (BG) 20; 28, Randolph-Henry (RH) 19.5; 29, Covington (COV) 18; 30, Chincoteague (CHI)17; 31, tie George Wythe (GW), Cumberland (CUM) 15; 33, Castlewood (CW) 11.5; 34, Arcadia (AR) 10; 35, tie King William (KW), Grayson County (GC) 9.5; 37, tie Sussex Central (SC),New Kent (NK), Bath County (BC); 40, tie Stuarts Draft (SD), Rappahannock County (RC), Northampton (NH), Narrows (NAR), Nandua (NAN), Hurley (HUR), Charless City (CC) 0.


103 pounds-Cogswell (STR) d. Cuddy (JR) 4-3 (OT) 112-Lamma (STR) p. Goorskey (FC) 2:28; 119-Wolford (STR) d. Naglieri (MAT) 5-3; 125-Hall (RAD) d. Sturgill (JJK) 10-8; 130-Hudson (RAD) d. Gaylor (JB) 18-16 (OT); 135-King (JB) p. Martin (BD) 5:18; 140-O'Dell (BD) d. Smith (PH) 1-0; 145-Dunbar (RAD) md. Hoffman (PH) 13-4; 152-Chantal (FC) Brockenbrough (PM) 8-5; 160-Lee (RAD) p. Magerko (NT) 1:50; 171-Whitaker (E) md. Nowers (RR) 15-6; 189-O'Neil (BD) d. Pollock (RH) 7-2; 215-Hamilton (CB) p. Hagee (RR) 1:15; 275-Hockman (STR) p. Colyer (JJK) :55.


103-O'Neil (BD) d. Morgan (MSTAT) 5-2; 112-Little (NW) d. Craft (JR) 8-2; 119-Parades (M) (MP) d. Croushorn (BD) 7-5 (OT); 125-Copus (FC) d. Coleman (PM) 5-4; 130-Farmer (HOL) d. Vance (RR) 6-2; 135-Sanders (JJK) d. Sink (SV) default; 140-Weaver (MC) p. Daube (GM) 2:18; 145-Stott (BD) d. Mundie (E) default; 152-Rogers (PV) d. Gibson (MAT) 10-6; 160-Phillips (FC) d. Pittington (STR) 8-4; 171-St. Clair (COV) d. Seales (FC) 13-9; 189-Smith (E) d. Marshall (FTC) 6-4; 215-Barker (CUM) d. Reedy (CHW) 8-6; 275-Birxh (CTG) p . Brock (MC) 2:20.


103-Tiller p. Sutherland (SV) :54; 112-Williams (PV) tf. Stevens (JB) 17-1; 119-Fry (RAD) d. bear (RR) 8-5; 125-Wind (E) d. Davidson (RR) 3-2; 130-Colulehan (FC) p. Jenkins (MP) 4:59; 135-Anderson (STR) d. Blackwell (FC) 2-0; 140-Houchins (FTC) d. Parks (HOL) 6-2; 145-Strouth (NW) p. Brown (RH) 1:35; 152-Mahin (BG) d. Deschamps (GM) 3-2; 160-Phillips (GW) md. Crabill (MP) 15-3; 171-Bowers (STR) d. Solesbee (GL) 6-5; 189-Keesce (NW) p. Lingerfelt (JB) 2:14; 215-Dancy (MP) d. Carter (JR) 6-1; 275-Jacobs (BD) p. Harcun (NT) 1:50

LENGTH: Long  :  110 lines
ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO:  ERIC BRADY STAFF. Brian Hudson (top) of Radford seems to

have control of Jack Gaylor of John Battle in their 130-pound match,

although Hudson was taken to overtime before winning.

by CNB