It's quilting time again. The Montgomery County Senior Athletes raffle a quilt each fall to raise money for their activities. That means group members have to get busy around this time of year, because there's a lot of work to do before the quilt can be given away.
Group members recently set up a large quilt frame in the Christiansburg Senior Center and attached the various parts of the quilt. Some members have been working since before Christmas to sew all the pieces together, now members are getting their needles ready to quilt everything together.
Tickets will be sold all summer and the quilt will be given away during the Senior Craft Show in October.
The group is also holding a rummage sale at the Christiansburg Armory, 5 to 9 p.m. Friday and 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.
Special events
Seniors can purchase half-price clothing today at the YMCA Thrift Shop in Blacksburg from 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Radford AARP will hold a potluck dinner at 5 p.m. April 16 for all senior citizens at the Radford Senior Center.
Several trips are offered this month by the Montgomery County Department of Parks and Recreation. These include a trip to the Green Valley Book Fair today; the Chinqua-Penn Tulip Festival on Saturday; Lexington's Historic Garden Week Tour, April 17; and the Waccamaw Pottery, April 24. To register call 382-6976.
This week's events
RETIRED AND SENIOR VOLUNTEER PROGRAM, Health and Human Services Building, 210 Pepper St., Christiansburg. Victoria Scott, 382-5775:
Today, 10 a.m., the Christiansburg morning group will visit Brookmeade. 2 p.m., the Christiansburg afternoon group will visit Meadowbrook.
Thursday, 2 p.m., the McCoy group will go to Heritage Hall.
Monday, 2 p.m., the Shawsville Group will host the Meadowbrook birthday party. At 9 a.m., the Quilters will work on the quilt.
Tuesday, 10:30 a.m., the Warm Hearth and McCoy groups will go to Pandapas Pond for the monthly cleanup and a picnic lunch.
RSVP is collecting items for its Spring Yard Sale. Call to arrange a van to pick up donations.
BLACKSBURG SENIOR PROGRAMS, Blacksburg Community Center, 725 Patrick Henry Drive. Joy Herbert, 961-113:
Today, 8:30 a.m., trip leaves for P. Buckley Moss Museum and Waynesboro Outlet Village.
Thursday, 10 a.m., Dr. William Herbert will discuss "Strength Training and Conditioning for Seniors." 5 p.m. Spaghetti dinner begins. (Sign-up required.)
Saturday, trip leaves for weeklong Caribbean Cruise. 10:30 a.m., seniors hike to find animal tracks.
CHRISTIANSBURG SENIOR CENTER, 655 Montgomery St., Sherry Kostric, 382-8173:
Thursday, 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., free tax assistance.
Monday, 3 p.m., Bloom Into Spring seminar.
Tuesday, 11:30 a.m., body recall demonstration. Noon, Hair Fair provided by Christiansburg High School Cosmetology students.
RADFORD SENIOR CENTER, 27 First St. Mary Jane Harmon, 731-3634.
Thursday, 10 a.m., free movie, "Algiers."
Friday, 10 a.m., trip to Valley View Mall.
The Radford Senior Center offers a variety of classes, events and social activities each week. Call for details.
Rummage sale items are needed for a fund-raiser. Call for details.
GILES COUNTY SENIOR CENTER,1320 Wenonah Ave., Pearisburg. Betty Letsinger, 921-3924:
The Giles Senior Center's new hours are 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The center offers a variety of crafts classes, events and social activities each week. Call for details.
PULASKI SENIOR CENTER, 106 N. Washington Ave. Dawn Hensley, 994-8627:
Wednesday, 9 a.m. to noon, tax assistance.
Thursday, 9 a.m., RSVP participants tie SHARE bags. 2 p.m., movie, "First Wives Club."
The Pulaski Senior Center offers a variety of events and activities for senior citizens. Call for details.
Senior shorts
Senior Group Dances: Tuesdays, 6-9 p.m., New River Valley Mall food court. Bring a snack or nonalcoholic drink. Matilda Shumate, 382-6346.
Senior Employment Program: Job placement assistance and skills training for job seekers 55 years or older. New River Valley Agency on Aging, 980-7720 or 639-9677.
Short- and long-term care. Interim Health-Care: 381-2757.
Extended and 24-hour medical and rehabilitation care. Columbia Montgomery Regional Hospital: 953-5320 or 953-5352. Carilion Radford Community Hospital: 731-2557.
Meals-on-Wheels. Carilion Radford Community Hospital, United Way and Radford Department of Welfare and Social Services: 731-2562.
Adult day care. At Virginia Tech, certified by the Virginia Department of Medical Assistance Services: 231-3161.
Nursing care, physical therapy and speech therapy. Montgomery Regional Health Services. 953-5237 or (800) 678-0648.
Pulaski YMCA fitness. 980-3671.
Golden aerobics. Blacksburg Parks and Recreation: 961-1135.
Golden and silver aerobics. Columbia Montgomery Regional Hospital Fitness Express: 381-4625 or 953-1044.
Walking Group. Blacksburg Parks and Recreation: 961-1134.
Viva Club. Offers health screenings, insurance assistance and physician referral. Carilion Radford Community Hospital: 731-2558.
Forever Fit. Carilion Radford Community Hospital: 639-3241.
Walking. "Easy Motions" exercise programs, and aerobics. Christiansburg Senior Center: 382-8173.
LENGTH: Long : 110 lines ILLUSTRATION: PHOTO: TOM ANGLEBERGER THE ROANOKE TIMES. Wanda Garrison,by CNBMargie Pugh and Janie Howell prepare to begin quilting the
Montgomery County Senior Athletes' annual quilt. color.