ROANOKE TIMES Copyright (c) 1997, Roanoke Times DATE: Saturday, April 12, 1997 TAG: 9704140059 SECTION: VIRGINIA PAGE: C-3 EDITION: METRO DATELINE: BLUEFIELD, W.VA.
A firefighter was hospitalized with a head injury after he fell from the tail of a pumper during a training exercise.
Everette Biggs was in stable condition at Roanoke Memorial Hospital, according to a worker in the Virginia hospital's She had no further details.
Biggs had been listed in serious condition at Bluefield Regional Medical Center before he was airlifted to Roanoke.
``He hit the ground so hard it broke his helmet in two,'' said Fire Chief Gerald Steele. ``It kind of gave everyone a scare. We're very hopeful that it's not something serious. He has a very severe headache. He may have a concussion.''
The accident occurred Thursday during a drill to measure efficiency, Steele said.
``It was not a race or even timed,'' Steele said.
Steele said he was not sure what caused Biggs' fall.
``It was just kind of a freak accident,'' he said.
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