THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: WEDNESDAY, June 8, 1994                    TAG: 9406080577 
SECTION: DAILY BREAK                     PAGE: B1    EDITION: FINAL  
SOURCE: Larry Bonko 
DATELINE: 940608                                 LENGTH: Medium 


{LEAD} What sixth-grader wouldn't be thrilled to be part of ``The Brady Bunch''? - Producer Sherwood Schwartz, who will soon bring ``The Brady Bunch'' to a movie theater near you, is considering 12-year-old Jennifer Garber to play Jan Brady. She's a sixth-grader who lives in Churchland.

There were Marcia and Jan and Cindy Brady. Right?

{REST} Jennifer's mom took her to New York City for auditions, where Jennifer dressed like the Bradys. She wore bell-bottoms. Garber strongly resembles Eve Plumb, who had the Jan Brady role in the original series (Geri Reischi played her in the 1977 revival, ``The Brady Bunch Hour'').

The audition was fun, Jennifer said, and she thinks it would be totally great to play Jan because she's a fan of the series. ``I really am,'' she said.

In Churchland, Jennifer and her mom wait by the phone for what actors coast to coast wait for almost every day of their lives: The call that says she got the job or the call that says the producer wants another look. The call-back.

Now it can be told. Terry Zahn likes Spam - At the end of a newscast on WVEC the other night, co-anchorman Terry Zahn let his deep, dark secret escape.

He likes Spam.

Especially in omelets, he told me when I called to pry more Spam stuff out of the man. Zahn said he's settling in just fine at Channel 13 after more than a decade of reporting and anchoring at WAVY. It's taking me a long time to get adjusted to seeing the upbeat Zahn on the funereal WVEC newscasts.

You know . . . I like Spam, too. I put a slice of Spam and a slice of cheese on a hamburger bun and pop the sandwich into the microwave for 15 seconds.

Two babies born on the same day to two members of the same anchor team? I don't believe it - WAVY co-anchor Les Smith and his sidekick on the 6 and 11 p.m. newscasts, weather reporter Don Slater, knew that their wives were expecting babies in the same month, but who could have guessed that Karen Slater and Eileen Smith would give birth on the same day?

They did, on May 29. The Slaters now have a daughter, Lillian Daisy Slater, to go with a son. Rachel Marie Smith is the Smiths' first child.

Spreading the word that Virginia is the Hollywood of the East - The Virginia Film Office, which has been successful in convincing producers that they ought to make their TV shows and movies in Virginia, says it needs a big, bold design to get that message across. A logo. A symbol.

The Virginia Film Office is offering a $250 prize to the designer who best conveys the idea that Virginia is for filming. The winning design will be applied to T-shirts to be used as a marketing tool, said Mary Nelson of the Virginia Film Office.

Deadline for entering a design is 5 p.m. July 1. Mail or deliver your entry to the film office, care of The T-Shirt Contest, 1021 E. Cary St., 12th Floor, Richmond, Va. 23219.

The winner also gets invited to the next film shoot held in the state.

No, I didn't forget about Rosalind Shays falling down the elevator shaft - Responding to my column on the finale of ``L.A. Law,'' in which I listed all the cast regulars, a number of readers, including Mary Phillips of Virginia Beach, asked why I omitted Diana Muldaur, who played the tough-talking Shays.

Other readers asked why I didn't include Amanda Plummer, who was seen as Benny Stulwicz's girlfriend in the third season. Others mentioned appearances by Vincent Gardenia as Roxanne Melman's father.

They were all guest stars and were never included among cast regulars whose credits rolled at the beginning of each episode. Only five original cast members finished eight seasons on the series: Corbin Bernsen, Alan Rachins, Jill Eikenberry, Michael Tucker and Richard Dysart.

by CNB