THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT
                 Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: THURSDAY, June 23, 1994                    TAG: 9406210179 
SOURCE: Medium 
DATELINE: 940623                                 LENGTH: 


{LEAD} Michael P. Simone had just completed his junior year at The College of William & Mary, when he met a man at a party in Cleveland, Ohio who made him rethink his career plans.

After graduating high school, Simone served three years in the Army. He then entered chiropractic school - after becoming intrigued by the subject after a conversation with the man at the party.

{REST} He now practices at the Accident and Back Injury Clinic in Norfolk and Newport News, which he owns.

He's also the team doctor for the Tidewater Metro Police Softball Team and once was a policeman himself. While studying police science at Tidewater Community College, he served with the Norfolk police department after the academy lowered the admission age to 18. At 19, although a sworn officer, Simone was not old enough to buy his own bullets. ``We had to have our mothers by our bullets for us,'' he said.

The Army, however, is still a big part of his life. He's a major in the Army Reserves and hopes to become one of the first chiropractors in the military reserves.

Name: Michael P. Simone

Nickname: Mike

What brought you to Norfolk: The U.S. Navy. My father transferred here in 1964 from Beeville, Texas.

Birthplace: Argentia, Newfoundland, Canada.

Birthdate: July 31, 1953

Occupation: Chiropractic orthopedist; member of the adjunct faculty at TCC where I teach anatomy and physiology and pathology.

Marital status: Divorced

Children: Alexandra, 3 1/2 years old.

Last book read: ``Green Eggs and Ham'' (over and over and over again). It's my daughter's favorite.

Favorite movie: ``Scrooged.'' The last scene always chokes me up.

Favorite magazine: Redbook. I like to know what the ``other side'' is thinking.

If you could trade places for just one day with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? Mickey Mouse. Have you ever seen the faces of the kids who meet this guy? I don't think there could be a better feeling than watching children smile all day.

Biggest accomplishment: Graduating from William and Mary is my biggest accomplishment, but the toughest thing I've ever done is to perform in ``Cabaret'' at the Wells Theatre a few years ago.

Most embarrassing moment: When I lecture anatomy and physiology at TCC I often pick up a plastic model to keep my hands occupied while I walk around the classroom. I was doing this for about 45 minutes one day when I realized some students were tyring to keep their smiles and laughter subdued. Of course, as a male teacher, the first thing that came to mind was the dreaded fly at ``half mast.'' After discreetly eliminating this possibility I came to the conclusion that a student must have told a joke and I was witnessing ``residual laughter.'' Another 30 minutes or so passed but the ``residual laughter'' didn't. I couldn't take it any longer and asked a student what she was laughing at. She pointed to my hands and I then realized I had spent an hour fondling a plastic female breast model.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Get rid of my sweet tooth.

Perfect way to spend the day: Have a chauffeur (I don't like to drive) pick me up and take me to the House of Eggs where I would have breakfast with my father and his best friend Al (Dad would pay the bill). My sister's jewelry shop would be my next stop. I love to torment her. I would then take my daughter to an afternoon ball game at Harbor Park followed by a banana fudge cake at Doumar's. Next I would go shopping, but probably wouldn't buy anything. When I got home I would check the news on Prodigy, go to bed, and watch reruns of ``Quantum Leap'' until I fell asleep.

Favorite vacation spot: No matter how many times I go to Washington, I always want to go back.

Pet peeve: People who are mean to others for absolutely no reason.

First job: Delivering The Virginian-Pilot. I still can't believe I had the self-discipline to get up at 3:30 to 4 a.m. every morning (except Christmas) for two years when I had just become a teenager.

Worst job: Working a summer construction job for a man named Bud Ralph at 17. When Mr. Ralph saw me walking up a flight of stairs carrying a 50-pound bag of cement on one shoulder, his comment was, ``You have two shoulders, use them.'' That pretty much sums up that summer.

Hobbies: I collect old metal advertising signs when I'm not putting the finishing touches on an 80-year-old house I've spent over three years renovating in Riverview.

Favorite restaurant: Doumar's. It's become a special place for my daughter and me.

What do you like most about Norfolk? The way the city has pulled itself out of the depths of the late '60s and '70s and turned into a pretty nice place to live.

What do you like least about Norfolk? There is nowhere to safely ride a bicycle. by CNB