THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Tuesday, July 19, 1994 TAG: 9407190360 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B1 EDITION: NORTH CAROLINA SOURCE: STAFF REPORT LENGTH: Short : 24 lines
The Dare County Board of Commissioners on Monday voted against expanding the the regional airport in its current location.
After more than 100 people showed up Monday night at a public hearing on the Dare County five-year land-use plan, the commissioners voted 6-1 against expanding the airport.
Commissioner Clarence Skinner, who is also a member of the airport authority, cast the dissenting vote.
About 30 people spoke during the public hearing, more than 17 of them opposed to the airport expansion. More than 700 people had signed a petition against expanding the Roanoke Island airport facility. by CNB