THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Friday, August 12, 1994 TAG: 9408100128 SECTION: CHESAPEAKE CLIPPER PAGE: 20 EDITION: FINAL SERIES: Back to School 1994 LENGTH: Long : 227 lines
SCHOOL HOURS: All senior high and middle schools will hold classes from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., with the exception of Oscar Smith Middle School, which will hold classes from 8:10 a.m. to 2:40 p.m., and Great Bridge Middle School North, which will hold classes from 8:20 a.m. to 2:40 p.m.
Elementary schools' opening classes range from 7:55 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., and closing times range from 2 p.m. to 2:35 p.m.
The Chesapeake Center for Science and Technology and Chesapeake Alternative School will hold classes from 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
MEALS: Lunch will cost $1.05 for senior high and middle schools; it will cost 95 cents for elementary and intermediate schools. Breakfast is served at 28 schools for 50 cents.
Meal tickets can be purchased with either cash or a check in the school cafeteria from the cafeteria manager. Free and reduced-price meal benefits are provided for those who complete a lunch application and are determined eligible. Lunch applications are given to every student at the beginning of the school year. Applications are available at each school and may be submitted to your school office at any time throughout the school year.
MEDICATION POLICY: Clinic services are provided for student illness or injury. But medication, including aspirin, will not be administered by the school staff without written permission. If a student needs regular medication, the parent must contact the school so appropriate arrangements can be made. A registered nurse is assigned to each Chesapeake school.
IMMUNIZATIONS: Virginia law requires that parents have their children immunized against diptheria, tetanus, whooping cough (pertussis), poliomyelitis (polio), measles (Rubeola), German measles (Rubella) and mumps before the child begins school.
Parents of kindergartners or students new to Chesapeake must fill out a School Entrance Physical Examination and Immunization Certificate before enrolling their child. Specific dates of immunizations must be included. The form is available from most physicians, the Chesapeake Health Department, or any school office, and must be returned to the school.
REGISTER NOW: New residents, new students and those transferring within the school system should register students as soon as possible. To enter kindergarten, a child must be 5 years old on or before Sept. 30. Further information is available at each public school or by calling Pupil Personnel Services at 547-1321.
SCHOOL CLOSINGS: Schools may be closed because of hurricanes, snow, ice or extreme heat. School Superintendent C. Fred Bateman will make the decision and have it announced first on WFOS FM 88.7, the Chesapeake Public Schools radio station, and on WCTV Channel 23, the city's public access cable television channel. Announcements also will be made on other local media stations. There are times when, due to unforeseen circumstances, schools may close early. When this happens, students should have a plan of action. They should know what to do and where to go when they arrive at home. Parents should have an understanding with their children beforehand exactly what action they should take in case of early closings.
REPORT CARDS: Report cards will be distributed the week after each of the four marking periods. The ending dates of the marking periods are as follows: Nov. 9, Jan. 26, March 30 and June 15.
Sept. 7 - First day of school
Nov. 10 - Teacher work day
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
Nov. 24 and 25 - Thanksgiving holidays
Dec. 22 to Jan. 2 - Winter holidays
Jan. 16 - Lee/Jackson/King Day
Jan. 27 - Teacher work day
Feb. 20 - Presidents' Day
March 31 - Teacher work day
April 10 to 14 - Spring holidays
May 29 - Memorial Day
June 15 - Last day for students; graduation
EARLY SCHOOL CLOSINGS: Schools will close early Jan. 24, 25, 26 and June 13, 14, 15 for exams.
VOLUNTEERS: Contact the principal of each school to find out where volunteers are needed.
STATISTICS: 42 schools will serve 34,000 students.
SCHOOL SUPPLIES: Because each teacher from kindergarten to high school will have particular preferences for crayons, notebooks, binders, pens, etc., parents are encouraged to wait until school starts before purchasing their children's supplies. Teachers will give out lists on the first day of school describing exactly what particular supplies are needed.
SCHOOL FEES: High school sophomores about to take driver's education must pay $25 for behind-the-wheel instruction. There may be additional fees for those participating in band or other special activity classes.
STUDENT CONDUCT: Discipline is an integral part of the educational process as it relates to development of personal integrity, maturity, and good citizenship. Appropriate conduct and good order in the schools are essential and will be maintained so that all students have the opportunity to learn without disruptions. Violation of discipline policies may result in expulsion, suspension or other disciplinary actions deemed appropriate by the principal.
GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS: All students must obtain at least 21 credits of prescribed study to receive a General Studies Diploma. An Advanced Studies Diploma requires a minimum of 23 credits of prescribed study. Students who elect the 21 credit diploma and graduate with an average of ``B'' or better will receive a Board of Education seal on the diploma. Students who elect the 23 credit diploma, graduate with an average of ``B'' or better, and successfully complete at least one Advanced Placement (AP) course or one approved college level class for credit will receive a Governor's Seal on the diploma.
DRESS CODE: What students are allowed to wear is left up to the principal at each school, but a few rules to apply to all students. Extremely brief dress such as bare midriffs, see-through blouses and short shorts will not be permitted. Hats may not be worn inside school buildings, and shoes must be worn at all times.
ABSENCES/TARDINESS: When it is necessary for a student to be absent, a parent should call the school the morning of that absence. The only legitimate excuses for absences or tardiness are: the personal illness of a student, severe illness or a death in the immediate family, exposure to contagious disease and religious holidays. Absences for any other reason require prior permission of the principal. In all cases, a parent must provide a written excuse stating the reason for the absence or tardiness.
TRANSPORTATION: Elementary and intermediate students who live at least one mile from their school and secondary students who live at least 1.5 miles from their schools are eligible to ride a bus.
PTA: Each school has its own Parent Teacher Association. Parents interested in joining should call the main office at their children's school to find out who leads the PTA. The cost of membership varies.
ADULT EDUCATION: Adults interested in earning the GED or getting information about other adult education classes or programs may call the Adult Education Center at 548-6001.
Jessie Lee Jr., chairman, 2316 Portlock Road, 23324, 545-1984
Carolyn P. Gottlieb, vice chairman, 2025 Lisbon Road, 23321, 488-2049
Thomas L. Bray, 421 Southern Oaks Drive, 23320, 482-4724
Maury B. Brickhouse, 1417 Avon Road, 23320, 482-1176
Allen H. Goode Jr., 928 Costa Ave., 23320, 547-2051
Barbara B. Head, 3137 Trumpet Road, 23321, 488-4348
Lynn K. Pierce, 1318 Fariway Drive, 23320, 436-9754
James M. Reeves, 321 Mobile Drive, 23323, 487-2773
James J. Wheaton, 413 Meridian Drive, 23320, 436-1231
Tom Cupitt, ombudsman/Public Information Office - 547-1033
Deep Creek High School, 2900 Margaret Booker Drive, 23323, 494-7520, Nathan T. Hardee
Great Bridge High School, 301 Hanbury Road West, 23320, 482-5191, Robert G. Robinson
Indian River High School, 1969 Braves Trail, 23325, 494-7510, James L. Frye
Oscar Frommel Smith High School, 2500 Rodgers St., 23324, 548-0696, Dr. Glenn L. Koonce
Western Branch High School, 4222 Terry Drive, 23321, 494-7530, Arthur B. Brandriff
Crestwood Middle School (Grades 6-8), 1420 Great Bridge Blvd., 23320, 494-7560, Linda J. Byrd
Deep Creek Middle School (Grades 7-8), 1955 Deal Drive, 23323, 494-7570, Clyde S. Sheely
Great Bridge Middle School, North (Grades 6-7), 369 Battlefield Blvd., South, 23320, 482-5125, Richard W. West
Great Bridge Middle School, South (Grades 8-9), 441 Battlefield Blvd., South, 23330, 482-5128, Clifton Randolph
Indian River Middle School (Grades 6-8), 2300 Greenbrier Road, 23325, 494-7580, James R. Glisson
Oscar Smith Middle School (Grades 6-8), 2500 Rodgers Street, 23324, 494-7590, Charlie R. Jubilee
Western Branch Middle School (Grades 6-8), 4201 Hawksley Drive, 23321, 494-7540, Craig D. Jones
Butts Road Intermediate School (Grades 3-5), 1571 Mt. Pleasant Road, 23322, 482-4566, Dr. Cynthia W. Sparks
Butts Road Primary School (Grades K-2), 1000 Mt. Pleasant Road, 23320, 482-5820, Penny G. Goodin
Camelot Elementary School (Grades K-6), 2901 Guenevere Drive, 23323, 494-7595, Lillian E. Faulk
George Washington Carver Intermediate (Grades 4-5), 2601 Broad St., 23323, 494-7505, Raymond L. Hopkins
Edwin W. Chittum Elementary School (Grades K-5), 2008 Dock Landing Road, 23321, 494-7655, Joanne Sawyer
Crestwood Intermediate School (Grades 3-5), 1240 Great Bridge Blvd., 23320, 494-7565, Edna S. Faulk
Deep Creek Central Elementary School (Grades K-4), 2448 Shipyard Road, 23323, 494-7615, Colleen C. Fox
Deep Creek Elementary School (Grades K-3), 2809 Forehand Drive, 23323, 494-7525, Anita A. Jones
Deep Creek Intermediate School (Grades 4-6), 140 George Washington Highway, North, 23323, 494-7575, Curtis E. Lane
Georgetown Primary School (Grades K-3), 436 Providence Road, 23325, 494-7635, Dr. Glenn E. Brown
Great Bridge Intermediate School (Grades 3-5), 253 Hanbury Road, West, 23320, 482-4405, Dr. Rebecca W. Adams
Great Bridge Primary School (Grades K-2), 408 Cedar Road, 23320, 547-1135, Eugene S. Welton
Greenbrier Intermediate School (Grades 3-5), 1701 River Birch Run, North, 23320, 494-7550, Dr. Alan Vaughan
Greenbrier Primary School (Grades K-2), 1551 Eden Way, South, 23320, 436-3428, Anita B. James
Hickory Elementary School (Grades K-5), Butts Road Intermediate, P.O. Box 16270, 23328, 421-7080, Meredith G. Garrett
Norfolk Highlands Primary School (Grades K-3), 1120 Lilac Ave., 23325, 494-7645, Ruth B. Kee
Park Elementary School (Grades 1-3), Truitt Middle School (former), 1100 Holly Ave., 23324, 494-7515, Steve E. Lassiter
Portlock Elementary School (Grades K-3), 1857 Varsity Drive, 23324, 494-7555, Robert G. Martin
Southeastern Elementary School (Grades K-5), 1853 Battlefield Blvd., South, 23320, 421-7676, Woodley J. Koonce, III
Southwestern Elementary School (Grades K-5), 4410 Airline Blvd., 23321, 494-7665, Beryl B. Rooks
Sparrow Road Intermediate School (Grades 4-5), 1605 Sparrow Road, 23325, 494-7605, Deborah Hunley-Stukes
G.A. Treakle Elementary School (Grades K-6), 2500 Kilmerton Road, 23323, 494-7625, Diane G. Martin
Western Branch Intermediate School (Grades 3-5), 4013 Terry Drive, 23321, 494-7535, Richard M. Rittman
Western Branch Primary School (Grades K-2), 4122 Terry Drive, 23321, 494-7546, Michael Clayman
B.M. Williams Primary School (Grades K-2), 1100 Battlefield Blvd., North, 23320, 547-0238, Dr. Patricia L. Powers
Rena B. Wright Elementary School (Grades K-3), 600 Park Ave., 23324, 494-7585, Zach T. Quidley
Chesapeake Alternative School, 920 Minuteman Drive, 23323, 494-7620, Jesse E. Thompkins
Chesapeake Center for Science and Technology, 1617 Cedar Road, 23320, 547-0134, Linda Scott
Edwards Wilson Center, 2107 East Liberty St., 23324, 494-7600, Clarence D. Miller, assistant principal
GATE/IRMA, 605 Providence Road, 23325, 494-7640, Larry Short, supervisor of Gifted and Talented
Preschool Education Center of Chesapeake, 1238 North River Drive, 23323, 494-7630, Patricia H. Pretlow by CNB