The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, September 7, 1994           TAG: 9409070007
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   34 lines


I find it curious how liberals support housing vouchers distributed by HUD so that poor people can live in upscale neighborhoods.

Liberals argue that the housing situation in America is discriminatory and violates the civil rights of blacks and Hispanics because they cannot afford to live anywhere but poor neighborhoods.

The solution, according to HUD Secretary Henry Cisneros, is to relocate the poor so they can have the same opportunity to live in improved conditions, a better environment and a better house and negate the effects of economic ``inequity.'' What baffles me is why liberals do not follow the logic of their argument for all situations where economic disparity exists between the rich and the poor.

Take education, for example. Sen. Robb criticized Oliver North for supporting tax-financed vouchers so people can send their children to private schools. If you take the argument on housing to its logical conclusion, education vouchers make perfect sense; relocate the poor so they can have the same opportunity to learn in improved conditions, a better environment, have a better education and negate the effects of economic ``inequity.''

What can be so terrible with that? Maybe Sen. Robb is afraid the poor children might learn a prayer. Ooooooh.


Norfolk, Aug. 30, 1994 by CNB