THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Saturday, September 10, 1994 TAG: 9409090032 SECTION: FRONT PAGE: A10 EDITION: FINAL TYPE: Letter LENGTH: Short : 39 lines
Many years ago, when we first came to Hampton Roads, we were delighted to discover a wonderful newspaper. At that time The Virginian-Pilot was even-handed, objective and had that indefinable quality called ``class.''
It has been sad for us to observe this great newspaper's decline. Now every article is a treatise on social engineering, attacking all that is normal in community life and advocating ``progressive'' causes.
Your Sept. 1 issue is a perfect example. There was real news that day. Our bold president was preparing to invade the weakest nation in the hemisphere; the war in Ireland may be ending; Castro sends us more problem refugees, etc. But your headline trumpeted the success of a homosexual who challenged military law and was given a delay in his discharge.
This is a lead story of interest to the community at large? Get real!
Inside, Marc Tibbs launched another racist and divisive diatribe about how badly he claims blacks are treated.
Your format gets more like a comic book each day. Your abandonment of good grammar, syntax and even spelling accuracy is an affront to our intelligence, and your stories have become opinion pieces that convey contempt for any who do not share your view.
Still, we continued to take the Pilot if only for the local news - until now. Our once-wonderful newspaper just disappoints us, and it has become so trivialized that we can no longer bother to read it. We wish we could continue as readers, but there is just too little real information and too much biased opinion.
After 30 years, we must sadly say farewell.
Virginia Beach, Sept. 1, 1994 by CNB