THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Saturday, September 10, 1994 TAG: 9409100228 SECTION: FRONT PAGE: A1 EDITION: FINAL SERIES: Special Report: The Navy's Mission in Zagreb SOURCE: Kerry DeRochi, Staff writer LENGTH: Short : 37 lines
From the outside, the olive-drab tents look familiar to anyone who's ever watched ``M*A*S*H.'' Inside this military field hospital is a scene few are prepared for: A U.S. Navy medical team fresh from Portsmouth treats patients who speak the languages of a dozen countries. None, though, are the hospital staff's countrymen. There are no Americans among the troops from such nations as France, Jordan, Pakistan - all of whom are in the thick of the treacherous campaign to stop the killing in the former Yugoslavia. So as the symbol of their nation's involvement, the 230 members of Fleet Hospital 5 throw themselves into caring for those who risk their lives for peace. a MEMO: Section K is a special report on the Navy's mission in Zagreb. ILLUSTRATION: Color photos by BILL TIERNAN, Staff photos
At right, Lt. Cmdr. James Rooks, a surgeon from Portsmouth, begins
the daily cleaning of a Polish soldier's wounds in the hospital at
Camp Pleso in Croatia. Lt. j.g. Jody Weiss, center, and Tina
Beshers, a corpsman, both from Portsmouth, assist.
A series of tents on a section of the tarmac of Zagreb Airport is
home for the members of the Navy's Fleet Hospital 5 in Croatia.