THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Saturday, November 5, 1994 TAG: 9411050672 SECTION: FRONT PAGE: A8 EDITION: FINAL SOURCE: STAFF REPORT LENGTH: Short : 27 lines
Democratic U.S. Sen. Charles S. Robb will air a 17-minute campaign commercial this morning at 11:30 on WAVY-TV 10 in Hampton Roads. The same ad will air in other Virginia markets at different times.
The unusually long commercial is described by the campaign as a minidocumentary on Robb and is said to be ``biographical in nature.''
The infomerical is being aired at an unusual time, in the middle of the Saturday morning cartoon schedule. The ad is filling the time slot of a show called ``Grade Power.'' Opposite the Robb bio, on ABC and CBS, viewers can watch ``Bugs Bunny'' and ``News for Kids.''
When informed of the Robb program, a spokesman for the North campaign said: ``Robb will need more than 17 minutes to explain his lousy record as a senator and rubber stamp for Clinton.''