The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, November 17, 1994            TAG: 9411170512
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B9   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   70 lines


These are the actions from the Norfolk City Council meeting Tuesday. All members were present. Unless otherwise noted, all actions were unanimous. CONSENT AGENDA

City manager recommending that the city clerk be authorized to advertise for a public hearing on the closing of portions of Market, Bank and Court streets.

Recommended action: authorize city clerk to advertise for a public hearing on Nov. 29.

City manager recommending that the city clerk be authorized to advertise for a joint public hearing involving the Norfolk City Council, the Norfolk City Planning Commission and the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority, on amendments to the Redevelopment Plan for the Downtown Redevelopment Project - North, VA R-8, and the Conservation Plan for the Park Place neighborhood.

Recommended action: city clerk authorized to advertise for a joint public hearing on Dec. 20 at 2 p.m.

City manager recommending that the city clerk be authorized to advertise for a public hearing on Amendment No. 4 to the Park Place Neighborhood Conservation Plan.

Recommended action: city clerk authorized to advertise for a public hearing on Dec. 20 at 2 p.m.

City manager recommending that the city clerk be authorized to advertise for a public hearing on Amendment No. 16 to the Downtown North Redevelopment Plan.

Recommended action: city clerk authorized to advertise for a public hearing on Dec. 20 at 2 p.m. REGULAR AGENDA

An ordinance appropriating the sum of $18,106 to the Norfolk Community Services Board for the Eastern State Community Initiative.

An ordinance accepting and appropriating $39,200 in grant and federal funds to support a public-private collaboration to provide day care services for at-risk families.

An ordinance to amend and reordain Division 5.1 embodying Sections 2-275, 2-276, 2-277, 2-278 and 2-279 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, relating to the Human Services Advisory Commission to change the name of the Advisory Commission to the Social Services Advisory Commission and provide clarification of the duties of said commission.

An ordinance appropriating $100,000 to the Norfolk Redevelopment and Housing Authority for the Computer Jobs Bank Program and $98,300 to the Colonial Avenue Boys and Girls Club in accordance with the terms of a gift from the Dalis Foundation.

An ordinance appropriating $48,529 in grant funds if and when made available by the commonwealth of Virginia for purchase of equipment for the Norfolk Fire and Paramedical Services and authorizing expenditure of $64,853 in matching funds.

An ordinance to amend and reordain Section 25-653 of the Norfolk City Code, 1979, regarding yield signs, to add a new subsection requiring a yield sign at Matoaka Street at its intersection with Graydon Avenue.

An ordinance granting a Downtown Development Certificate for 315 Granby St.

An ordinance creating and deleting positions in several departments of the city, authorizing the employment of a person in a special project employment status, providing funds for salaries, and amending the city's compensation plan.


by CNB