THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Thursday, November 17, 1994 TAG: 9411170556 SECTION: BUSINESS PAGE: D01 EDITION: FINAL SOURCE: From staff reports LENGTH: Short : 21 lines
QVC, the television shopping network, says it will set aside a day to feature products from Virginia-based small businesses. Jewelry, housewares, dolls and sweaters are OK. But forget about trying to sell guns, furs and alcohol on the air. That's a no-no. A showroom competition will be held Dec. 7-8 in Richmond so that QVC can pick the 20 winners. The broadcast will be in February. The deadline for entering the competition is Friday. Call the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services at (804) 371-7683 for information. by CNB