The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1994, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, December 15, 1994            TAG: 9412150364
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: NEW YORK                           LENGTH: Short :   33 lines


A judge on Wednesday scheduled a January extradition hearing for a man who refused to return voluntarily to Virginia, where he is suspected of killing five people.

Justice Herbert Adlerberg scheduled the hearing for Jan. 20 to give the Legal Aid Society time to prepare a writ of habeas corpus to free Christopher Goins and to give the Manhattan District Attorney's Office time to reply.

After the hearing, Adlerberg can deny the defense motion or order a hearing on whether Goins is, in fact, the person Virginia wants.

Goins, 20, was captured here Nov. 17 after he was shown on television's ``America's Most Wanted.''

He had been running since Oct. 14, when he is alleged to have shot seven people, including his 14-year-old pregnant girlfriend, in a Richmond housing complex.

Assistant District Attorney Nina Keller, who is trying to have Goins returned to Virginia, said Goins was indicted in five murders, including that of his girlfriend's fetus. The girlfriend, though wounded, survived.

``There's no question he's going back, unless there's something we don't know yet,'' Keller said. by CNB