The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, January 19, 1995             TAG: 9501190494
SECTION: SPORTS                   PAGE: C3   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   72 lines


As threatened, Virginia Tech and Virginia Commonwealth University have filed a lawsuit against the Metro Conference in response to the conference's proposal to kick them out of the league.

The suit, filed late Tuesday in Richmond Circuit Court, seeks a temporary injunction to prevent the Metro from merging with most of the Great Midwest Conference to form a 12-team league that does not include the two Virginia schools.

A hearing is set for Jan. 26 at 9 a.m. The schools have asked for mediation by the NCAA but have received no response.

``Ultimately what we want is to remain a member of the Metro Conference or be included in any new conference that is formed,'' VCU president Dr. Eugene Trani said in a printed statement. ``We want the opportunity to bring our concerns to the table with our fellow conference members and work out an amicable solution.''

The suit comes less than a week after North Carolina-Charlotte chancellor James Woodward faxed a letter to VCU and Virginia Tech outlining the conference's plans to oust them and admit seven others.

Also named in the suit are Metro commissioner Ralph McFillen, the 12 schools in the new conference and the presidents or chancellors of the other Metro schools.

Tech and VCU had expected five of the seven Metro schools to pull out to form a new conference. Tech and VCU believed they then would be owed $2.5 million in default penalities and about $4 million in related conference revenue, as stipulated in the conference constitution.

However, in an effort to avoid penalties, the Metro presidents turned the tables and determined that the bylaws allowed them to expand and expel members without cause with a two-thirds majority.

Thus, Tech and VCU, which contend cause must be shown, would be left with no conference and none of the money they feel is due them.

``I really hope we reach some type of settlement,'' VCU athletic director Dick Sander said. ``The further this goes along, the more damaging it's going to be to the athletes, fans and college athletics in general.''

Woodward made an initial attempt to reach a financial settlement with the schools last week. According to Virginia Tech assistant athletic director Steve Horton, Tech and VCU would seek $3.25 million each - their share of the pot had the five Metro schools left the conference as they say bylaws require.

Short of that a settlement could be each school's inclusion in a 14-team Metro, which the presidents oppose.

Under the circumstances, Sander and Horton said that could be difficult to swallow. But the benefit to their athletic programs might be worth the unpleasantness.

``We certainly don't want to turn our back on what could still be a good opportunity for our overall program,'' Horton said. ``But I think there are some feelings that will have to heal.''

Said Sander: ``We'd have some discomfort about that. But this program is bigger than Dick Sander. Do we sacrifice what's better for the student-athletes because some university administrators got into a confrontation over a few bucks? ``Personally and professionally, it might be difficult, but if it's in the best interest of the young people, we'd probably have to do it.''

In men's basketball, the new Metro promises to be among the nation's strongest conferences. Its proposed membership is Louisville, Cincinnati, DePaul, Marquette, Memphis, Tulane, Saint Louis, Alabama-Birmingham, Houston, Southern Mississippi, UNC-Charlotte and South Florida.

``Dr. Trani feels like I do,'' Sander said. ``We would very much like to compete in this league. It will provide wonderful opportunities for our basketball student-athletes.'' by CNB