The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, February 11, 1995            TAG: 9502110073
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A1   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: VIRGINIA BEACH                     LENGTH: Medium:   92 lines


Local legislators this week refused an invitation to dine with the School Board if member Charles W. Vincent were present. Vincent has agreed not to attend the annual meeting, which will go ahead Monday in Richmond.

``I think we all agree that his continued presence on the board is an embarrassment to the city,'' said Del. Robert F. McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach.

In a letter dated Thursday to School Board Chairwoman June T. Kernutt, McDonnell and the other seven legislators who represent the city in the state General Assembly wrote: ``In view of Mr. Vincent's ongoing legal problems, it is our position that he should have resigned from the Board.

``. . . (As) members of the General Assembly, we do not believe we can dignify his decision to remain on the Board by entering any policy discussions relative to Virginia Beach public schools with him present.''

In response, Vincent said through his attorney he would not attend the dinner ``out of respect for my fellow board members.''

Vincent is awaiting a judge's ruling Feb. 22 on whether to uphold his conviction on nine counts of violating a state ethics code. If his conviction stands, he would automatically lose his seat, although attorneys disagree over whether he could remain on the board during appeals.

A political action committee called Kids First is circulating a petition calling for the court to remove Vincent on a number of grounds, including Vincent's court case and his use of the title ``doctor'' based on a degree issued in California that officials there have said is invalid.

Vincent has no plans to step down, said his attorney, Andrew Sacks.

``We disagree with the manner in which the (legislative) delegation has expressed its disapproval of Charles Vincent,'' Sacks said. ``But at the same time, as a practical matter, he wants to continue to work with his fellow board members and has voluntarily declined to attend this particular dinner.''

Sacks said legislators should allow the legal process to finish before making judgments about Vincent's conduct.

``As long as the case is before the courts, it would seem to me it would be fairer to take a neutral position on his status,'' Sacks said.

Local Republican legislators, meeting in Richmond Thursday, decided to decline the School Board's dinner invitation. Many of the city residents organizing the petition drive for Vincent's removal from the board have ties to the Republican party, although the city teachers association also is calling for Vincent to step down.

The legislators' letter was signed by Republicans and Democrats.

Republican Del. Robert Tata said lawmakers were uncomfortable with the idea of socializing with Vincent and discussing public issues. Now that Vincent does not plan to attend, Tata said, legislators likely will go to the dinner.

``It's nothing personal,'' Tata said. ``If the board is coming up officially, we just feel that those folks ought to be members of the board in good standing, and we really don't feel that he can be considered in that fashion at this time.'' MEMO: LETTER FROM THE LEGISLATORS\ Letter from local legislators, dated Feb.

9, 1995, to June T. Kernutt, chairwoman of the Virginia Beach School


Dear Ms. Kernutt:

We appreciate the kind invitation of the Virginia Beach School Board

to meet Monday evening, February 13, 1995, in Richmond to discuss policy

issues of mutual interest with Virginia Beach members of the General


It is now our understanding that Board Member Charles Vincent plans

to attend that meeting. In view of Mr. Vincent's ongoing legal problems,

it is our position that he should have resigned from the Board. The

decision to resign is of course his to make. However, as members of the

General Assembly, we do not believe we can dignify his decision to

remain on the Board by entering any policy discussions relative to

Virginia Beach public schools with him present. Consequently, we must

regretfully decline your invitation if Mr. Vincent is going to be

present. We know you can appreciate our decision in this regard.

Sincerely yours,

Clarence A. Holland

Kenneth W. Stolle

Harry R. Purkey

Robert F. McDonnell

Robert Tata

Glenn R. Croshaw

Frank W. Wagner

Leo C. Wardrup Jr.


Legislators said they wouldn't meet with the School Board if Charles

W. Vincent came.