The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, March 5, 1995                  TAG: 9503050047
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B3   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Long  :  310 lines


Key votes by South Hampton Roads delegation on major bills in this year's General Assembly


1. Prison Construction: (HB 1452, Feb. 23. Approved 65-35) Vote on passage of House-Senate compromise that would provide nearly $100 million for prison construction.

William K. Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Robert S. Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Howard E. Copeland, D-Norfolk - Y

Glenn R. Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

J. Randy Forbes, R-Chesapeake - N

George H. Heilig Jr., D-Norfolk - Y

Jerrauld C. Jones, D-Norfolk - Y

Robert F. McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - N

Kenneth R. Melvin, D-Portsmouth - Y

William S. Moore Jr., D-Portsmouth - Y

Thomas W. Moss Jr., D-Norfolk - Y

Robert E. Nelms, R-Suffolk - N

Harry R. ``Bob'' Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - N

William P. Robinson Jr., D-Norfolk - Y

Lionell Spruill, D-Chesapeake - Y

Robert Tata, R-Virginia Beach - N

Frank W. Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - N

Leo C. Wardrup Jr., R-Virginia Beach - N

2. Concealed Weapons, ``Saloon Amendment'' (SB 744, Feb. 22. Amendment approved, 72-23) Vote on amendment that would prohibit concealed weapons to be carried in bars, restaurants and other establishments with an ABC license.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - N

Copeland, D-Norfolk - N

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - Y

Heilig, D-Norfolk - NV

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - y

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - NV

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - NV

Moore, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moss, D-Norfolk - Y

Nelms, R-Suffolk - Y

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - Y

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - Y

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - Y

3. Concealed Weapons (SB 744, Feb. 22. Bill approved, 69-29) Bill that makes it easier to obtain concealed weapons permits by taking away judges' discretion.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Copeland, D-Norfolk - Y

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - Y

Heilig, D-Norfolk - N

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - N

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moore, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moss, D-Norfolk - N

Nelms, R-Suffolk - Y

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - N

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - N

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - Y

4. Teacher Immunity (HB 2282, Feb. 23. Killed, 48-49) Bill that would codify Virginia Supreme Court ruling giving teachers limited immunity from civil lawsuits for actions taken in course of their duties.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - N

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Copeland, D-Norfolk - N

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - N

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - Y

Heilig, D-Norfolk - N

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - N

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - N

Moore, D-Portsmouth - N

Moss, D-Norfolk - N

Nelms, R-Suffolk - Y

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - N

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - N

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - Y

5. Environmental Assessment (HB 1845, Feb. 7, Passed, 69-30). Bill that allows companies to avoid fines or penalties for pollution problems discovered through the company's voluntary audit of its facilities.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Copeland, D-Norfolk - N

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - Y

Heilig, D-Norfolk - Y

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - N

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - N

Moore, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moss, D-Norfolk - Y

Nelms, R-Suffolk - Y

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - N

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - N

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - Y

6. Parental Notification - Sibling Amendment (HB 1420. Feb. 7. Passed, 58-42). Amendment to allow teen-age girls to notify grandparents and adult siblings - in addition to parents - before seeking abortion.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Copeland, D-Norfolk - Y

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - N

Heilig, D-Norfolk - Y

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - Y

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - N

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moore, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moss, D-Norfolk - Y

Nelms, R-Suffolk - N

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - Y

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - Y

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - N

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - N

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - Y

7. State Budget - Budget Cuts. (HB 1450. Feb. 9. Rejected, 0-63, with 27 abstentions) Democratic maneuver that brought Gov. George F. Allen's complete budget - minus tax reductions - to a vote on the House floor.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - N

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - N

Copeland, D-Norfolk - N

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - N

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - AB

Heilig, D-Norfolk - N

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - N

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - AB

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - N

Moore, D-Portsmouth - N

Moss, D-Norfolk - N

Nelms, R-Suffolk - AB

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - N

Robinson, D-Norfolk - N

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - N

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - AB

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - AB

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - AB

8. State Budget - Final Passage (HB 1450. Feb. 24. Passed 82-17.) Vote on House-Senate conference report on the 1994-96 budget that reverse the tax and spending cuts proposed by Gov. Allen.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Copeland, D-Norfolk - Y

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - N

Heilig, D-Norfolk - Y

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - N

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - N

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moore, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moss, D-Norfolk - Y

Nelms, R-Suffolk - Y

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - Y

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - Y

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - N

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - N

9. Welfare Reform. (HB 2001. Feb. 25. Passed 90-9.) Final passage of compromise that requires able-bodied welfare recipients to work for benefits and puts a 2-year limit on benefits.

Barlow, D-Smithfield - Y

Bloxom, R-Mappsville - Y

Copeland, D-Norfolk - Y

Croshaw, D-Virginia Beach - Y

Forbes, R-Chesapeake - Y

Heilig, D-Norfolk - Y

J. Jones, D-Norfolk - N

McDonnell, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Melvin, D-Portsmouth - N

Moore, D-Portsmouth - Y

Moss, D-Norfolk - Y

Nelms, R-Suffolk - Y

Purkey, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Robinson, D-Norfolk - N

Spruill, D-Chesapeake - N

Tata, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wagner, R-Virginia Beach - Y

Wardrup, R-Virginia Beach - Y


1. Prison Construction: (HB 1452, Feb. 21. Approved 21-19) Vote on House-Senate compromise that would provide about $100 million for prison construction.

Mark L. Earley - N

Clarence A. Holland - Y

Richard J. Holland - Y

Louise L. Lucas - Y

Yvonne B. Miller - Y

Thomas K. Norment Jr. - N

Frederick M. Quayle - N

Kenneth W. Stolle - N

Stanley C. Walker - Y

2. Voluntary Sex Education (Amendment to SB1074, Jan. 31, passed 23-17) Vote on amendment that would make sex education programs optional for local school systems. The idea passed, but was overturned the next day.

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - N

Holland, R.J. - Y

Lucas - N

Miller, Y.B. - N

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - N

3. Concealed Weapons (SB 744, Feb. 7. Bill approved, 24-16) Bill that makes it easier to obtain concealed weapons permits by taking away judges' discretion.

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - Y

Holland, R.J. - Y

Lucas - N

Miller, Y.B. - N

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - N

4. Campaign finance limits (SB697, Jan. 30, passed 35-1) Vote on a bill to cap contributions to state political campaigns. Individuals could give $5,000 per election to candidates for governor, lieutenant governor and attorney general, and $1,000 a year for General Assembly races. Corporations could give more. The House of Delegates never voted on the bill, thus killing it.

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - NV

Holland, R.J. - NV

Lucas - Y

Miller, Y.B. - Y

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - Y

5. Environmental Assessment (HB 1845, Feb. 16, Passed, 29-11). Bill that allows companies to avoid fines or penalties for pollution problems discovered through the company's voluntary audit of its facilities.

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - Y

Holland, R.J. - Y

Lucas - N

Miller, Y.B. - N

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - Y

6. Campaign contributions from casino operators (Amendment to HB1971, Feb. 16, passed 25-14) The amendment prohibited state lawmakers from accepting political campaign contributions from any person or corporation that operates a casino anywhere in the country.

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - N

Holland, R.J. - N

Lucas - N

Miller, Y.B. - N

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - N

7. State Budget (HB 1450. Feb. 24. Passed 40-0.) Amendments to the 1994-96 budget that reverses the tax and spending cuts proposed by Gov. Allen.

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - Y

Holland, R.J. - Y

Lucas - Y

Miller, Y.B. - Y

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - Y

8. Welfare Reform. (HB 2001. Feb. 25. Passed 33-6.).

Earley - Y

Holland, C.A. - Y

Holland, R.J. - Y

Lucas - N

Miller, Y.B. - N

Norment - Y

Quayle - Y

Stolle - Y

Walker - Y


Y - Yes -

N - No -

AB - Abstain

NV - Not Voting