The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Sunday, March 19, 1995                 TAG: 9503170172
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   64 lines


I just got through reading the ``Close-up'' on Thomas Porter, president of the Irish American Society of Tidewater (Beacon, March 15). He seems very nice. But over here you seem to make so much of the Irish; even President Clinton entertained an Irish terrorist. I think most people here, when they think of the Irish, think of the cute Irish N.Y. cops or Barry Fitzgerald in ``Going My Way.''

How about saying something about us English? I'm just a nobody. I'm not a president of any English society.

I was not quite a G.I. bride. I came over a few years later. But I've been here way over 40 years, lived in the same house in Virginia Beach for 31 years, have been married (to the same man) 50 years next year. My husband is also a retired chief petty officer.

As Mr. Porter, I love America, especially Virginia Beach, but still have a soft spot for my lovely England.

Full name: Phyllis Amelin Durden

Hometown: London

What brought you to the Beach? Wife of U.S. Navy

Birthdate: Aug. 30 (also forgot)

Occupation: HOUSEWIFE!!!!

Marital status: Married to Al - almost 50 years.

Children: Jackie, Lynne and Richard

What is your idea of a perfect day off? Working in yard.

Last smart thing you did: Came to America.

Last dumb thing you did: Told my husband he was wrong.

Favorite meal: Well, it's a cross between fish and chips or roast beef and Yorkshire pudding; but since you can't get good fish and chips here, it would be the roast beef.

Favorite song: ``There'll Always Be an Eng-land.''

Last book read: ``Cat Stories,'' by James Sterriot of Yorkshire.

Hobbies: Crafts, etc.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Well, maybe I could be a somebody instead of a nobody - ha,ha.

Favorite restaurant: The Orange Tree fish and chip shop in Henrel Hempstead, England or Applebee's in Virginia Beach.

Your favorite night on the town: I don't really have many nights on the town, but just sitting home having a good old cup of tea is fine!

Favorite TV shows: Two English shows Saturday and Sunday night on PBS.

Favorite sport: Football - I'm a Cowboys fan - yeh, Emmitt.

Last vacation: Don't get many, but the last one was in England about three years ago. I visited my dear sister, who passed away a few months later.

Pets: Duke, my nobody dog who will be 17 this year.

Worst job: School cafeteria (Yuk)

Of what achievements are you most proud? Being married 50 years!

What would you like as your epitaph? There goes Phyllis the little English nobody!

This was all a joke, but it really does bug me when the Irish get so much attention. Oh, well, since it was St. Patrick's Day, it's OK.


by CNB