The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Saturday, March 25, 1995               TAG: 9503240017
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A10  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   36 lines


Paul H. Evans' letter (March 17) regarding Randy Wright's qualifications to hold the position of clerk of the Circuit Court of Norfolk misses the mark in several areas.

Virginia, via the state constitution, creates five constitutional offices. Over the past century, these offices have shown that they can do the work of government cheaper and more effectively than an appointed agent of a city government.

By electing the clerk of the Circuit Court, taxpaying voters decide who is qualified to administer a major city/state agency.

Mr. Wright offers to the taxpayer more than 14 years of experience in local and state government. He has served on both the City Council and the Planning Commission. During this time he has helped to draft numerous ordinances and worked extensively with the city and state codes.

This experience more then qualifies Mr. Wright to hold the position of clerk of the court if selected by the voters in November.

Contrary to Mr. Evans' line of thought, every office must have a boss. In other states, hiring someone of Mr. Wright's technical experience would cost far more than the salary now paid to the clerk of the court.

I believe that Randy Wright has shown by his work on Norfolk City Council that he can manage large budgets effectively and get the job done as cheaply as possible for the taxpayer.


Norfolk, March 17, 1995 by CNB