THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc. DATE: Thursday, April 6, 1995 TAG: 9504060339 SECTION: LOCAL PAGE: B5 EDITION: FINAL SOURCE: STAFF REPORT DATELINE: SUFFOLK LENGTH: Short : 25 lines
Suffolk's planned courthouse just got taller and more expensive, thanks, in part, to the city's high water table.
Soil tests at the proposed site found the water table to be higher than expected, according to a report Wednesday to the City Council. As a result, plans for the courthouse, to be located in the heart of downtown, have been revamped.
The original plans called for a two-story building with a basement. The new plans call for a three-story building with no basement.
The cost of the revised project is expected to rise as well, from about $12.5 million to at least $13 million, according to city officials. The revision is not expected to change the number of courtrooms in the building. by CNB