The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, July 27, 1995                TAG: 9507250086
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   68 lines


Martha C. Wilson is the owner of The Laughing Volcano, an art studio and gallery featuring her own works: paintings, T-shirts and jewelry.

A former computer graphic artist at the Jones Institute on Colley Avenue, Wilson was a graphic artist for six years and worked in advertising for six years before that. But, she said, ``Over the last two years I've truly been a starving artist.''

That was while, she said, she was ``was looking for a place to open up my own business instead of working for corporate America.'' She found that place in a ``little gingerbread house'' at 509 Boissevain Ave., where she opened her studio/gallery at the end of May.

Wilson, a former art student at Old Dominion University, has displayed her works all over the area, including the Portsmouth Seawall Festival, the Stockley Gardens art shows and in local restaurants.

A painter, Wilson loves to work with oils on canvas.

On Aug. 20, Wilson is sponsoring a show of works of students and young artists outside of her studio. The show, appropriately enough, is called Outside the Arts.

Name: Martha Christina Wilson.

Nickname: ``Boom Boom,'' Moo Cow.

What brought you to Norfolk: A life force and wanting to be within walking distance of my job.

Birthplace: Norfolk.

Birthdate: Feb. 17.

Occupation: Artist, owner of The Laughing Volcano.

Marital status: Divorced.

Children: None, but I love them and their creative minds are so pure.

Last book read: ``Delta of Venus'' by Anais Nin.

Favorite movie: ``The Wizard of Oz.''

Favorite magazine: Metropolitan Home.

If you could trade places for just one day with anyone in the world, who would it be and why? Wyland, because his artistic quest is rooted in world education and awareness and his canvases are so big!

Biggest accomplishment: Opening up a storefront for The Laughing Volcano.

Most embarrassing moment: When my sister Mary greeted me at the Houston Airport dressed up like a cow.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? My motivation level.

Perfect way to spend the day: A morning swim at the beach, an afternoon of painting and a relaxing dinner on Heradura Bay eating conchitas and sipping on Pisco Sours.

Favorite vacation spot: San Francisco.

Pet peeve: Negativity.

First job: Selling popcorn and candy at The Movies on Independence Boulevard.

Worst job: Cold call sales - I lasted barely three hours.

Hobbies: Reading, bike riding, gardening.

Favorite restaurant: Chicks, Kyushu.

What do you like most about Norfolk? The four seasons.

What do you like least about Norfolk? It's too hard to go bike riding for any real distance. ILLUSTRATION: Staff photo by MOTOYA NAKAMURA

by CNB