The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, September 8, 1995              TAG: 9509070019
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A12  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   40 lines


Thanks to Business Weekly writer Janet Dunphy for her recent article on mediation. Her description of mediation as a satisfying, comprehensive alternative to litigation was accurate and informative.

The article, however, may mistakenly lead readers to believe that only the Norfolk courts offer mediation services, when, in fact, one of the area's largest mediation practices, the Mediation Center of Hampton Roads, has been awarded a contract to provide mediation services in both Virginia Beach and Portsmouth courts as well as to provide mediation services in all other courts throughout Hampton Roads.

In addition, we believe that mediation can be used successfully in any situation where parties have a relationship to preserve or protect. Thus, mediation works beyond the confines of the traditional family and commercial disputes outlined in the article, extending into all sectors of our community.

We have been very successful in bringing together pro-life and pro-choice advocates to discuss issues surrounding the abortion conflict. We have also piloted a program that focuses on training youth to resolve conflict with words instead of weapons and fists.

We applaud the recognition by this newspaper of this method of dispute resolution in the true belief that everyone benefits when lines of communication are open and direct. We encourage future articles on this topic by your publication in an effort to assist citizens in making informed decisions when it comes to the resolution of disputes.

SHARON M. McDONALD, president

Mediation Center of Hampton Roads

Norfolk, Sept. 5, 1995 by CNB