The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Tuesday, October 3, 1995               TAG: 9510030046
TYPE: Column 
SOURCE: Larry Bonko 
                                             LENGTH: Medium:   74 lines


HERE'S A QUESTION about local TV news that begs to be answered: Is there too much local news in this market now that the television stations have added 11 more hours?

You'll find local news, weather and sports on TV here in the morning, at noon, at night and in between. Newscasts are now on at 5, 5:30, 6 and 10 p.m., in addition to the traditional times.

Too, too much?

Yes, say some of 50 readers of this column who called my number on Infoline (640-5555, Category 3333) to comment on the fact that WGNT has added a 10 p.m. local newscast produced by WTKR, and that both WTKR and WAVY recently expanded local coverage in the mornings.

The Infoline sampling:

``While it's fine to have local news on television in the evenings to help us keep up with what is going on, I really don't understand the allure of so much local news on television here. Why is it so urgent to have more, more, more? I don't get it.'' - Larry Ellington, Norfolk.

``Is so much local news on TV here worth watching? I don't think so. It's the same old newscast over and over again. The stations don't even bother to rewrite the news or update it between newscasts.'' - Sharon L. Wilkins, Chesapeake.

``Who wants to hear the same old tired, boring stories over and over again? There is enough misery and sadness in the world. To hear about it once is enough.'' - Michael M. Holloman, Chesapeake.

``There is too much local news on TV, too much of repeat, repeat, repeat, too much negative, negative, negative television. There is too much murder, too much of dogs biting on their owners, too much negativity. How about, for a change, the stations give us 30 minutes of news about citizens who do things to help their neighbors and their city? How about a Volunteer of the Day on local TV? Let's hear positive things on local television.'' - Gloria Query, Chesapeake.

This caller is not alone in making that request.

``I'm a little fed up with with the negative news I see on local television. It would nice to see some news of a positive nature at times.'' - Carrie Lundy, Virginia Beach.

``It's too much of the same garbage over and over again on the local TV news. And what's this new thing of giving the viewers a little sample of weather or whatever, and then keeping them hanging until after a commercial or whatever? When I hear that, I chop off that channel and go looking for my local news somewhere else.'' - Reid McManus, Virginia Beach.

``What I don't like about local news is that when I'm watching the national headline news on cable, WTKR cuts in at the bottom of the hour with the local news and weather. I don't want local news at that time. That's when I want all the national and international news. If I want local news, I'll watch the 6 o'clock newscasts.'' - Chris Aztle, Newport News.

So much for the complaints. Now come these suggestions:

``The people who do the local news here do a wonderful job, but I wish they would do more in the way of offbeat stories, tell us about the unorthodox things that are happening around us.'' - Brian Phelps, Chesapeake.

This suggestion came in the mail:

``You seem to take great delight in putting down meteorologist Jon Cash of WAVY by referring to him merely as a `weather reporter.' Why not change your copy the next time you refer to Jon Cash and refer to him as the professional that he is?'' - John Allen Albree, Colington Harbour, N.C.

And on the other hand . . .

From Sharon K. in Norfolk: ``I'm fed up with the silliness I see on WAVY's morning team. Jon Cash and Don Roberts strive to be entertaining, but they're irritating. I don't mind the repetitiveness of local news as much as I mind the silly patter.''

I guess she won't joining Albree in the Jon Cash Fan Club. by CNB