The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, October 18, 1995            TAG: 9510180468
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B7   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: RICHMOND                           LENGTH: Short :   26 lines


An Allen administration appointee to the Virginia Pesticide Board was asked to resign Tuesday, after revelations that he did not meet the qualifications as a ``citizen'' member.

An environmental group had questioned the appointment this summer of R.B. ``Steve'' Smith Jr., an environmental engineer with Taylor-Ramsey Corp. of Lynchburg.

Citizen Action said Smith's appointment was improper because he holds a state pesticide application license. State law bars citizen representatives on state boards from having ties to the industries they oversee.

Secretary of the Commonwealth Betsy Beamer said the Allen administration was unaware of the license when Smith was appointed in July.

``Mr. Smith is someone the governor thinks highly of, and we hope he can serve the commonwealth in another capacity,'' Beamer said. by CNB