The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1995, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Tuesday, October 24, 1995              TAG: 9510240325
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 
DATELINE: PORTSMOUTH                         LENGTH: Short :   35 lines


A 40-year-old Portsmouth man has been convicted of second-degree murder for beating and strangling a childhood friend.

Harry S. ``Steve'' Caprio of the 100 block of Smith Ave. was charged with the slaying of Elizabeth ``Marie'' Bickley, 40, on Aug. 5, 1991.

A motorist found Bickley's body at Race Street and Powhatan Avenue. She had been beaten and a 21-inch white plastic tie was found around her neck.

The case against Caprio, who was the last person seen with Bickley, was largely circumstantial; there were no witnesses.

Caprio and Bickley had gone to buy beer at a nearby store. But Caprio told police that he had dropped Bickley off on the side of the road after the two had an argument. Bickley's body was found about a mile away from that area.

Bickley and Caprio had gone to school together, and their families had lived a few doors apart on Smith Avenue for more than 15 years. Bickley baby sat for Caprio a few times.

Police found Bickley's blood on a pair of Caprio's shorts. They also found cords in Caprio's home similar to the one found around Bickely's neck. Jurors, who met on Saturday to hearing closing arguments, deliberated five hours. They recommended a 15-year sentence.

An earlier trial ended in a mistrial when jurors could not reach a unanimous verdict.