The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, February 22, 1996            TAG: 9602220011
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   42 lines


In ``Watch your language'' (editorial, Feb. 1), you commented upon the wording of the question (?) which the Virginia Beach City Council approved for the second referendum on May 7 when voters will choose whether or not to elect seven City Council members from and by their residence districts. These plus four including the mayor are what we call the balanced/district system. In a ward system, all council members are elected by district.

You stated, ``In the interest of fairness and clarity we think the language as well as its form ought to be modified.'' You agree that the author of the two statements at the end of the council's so-called question does not understand common grammar if he considers them questions. We understand they are councilman John Baum's idea.

You go on to say, ``How much simpler to ask: `Do you want to retain the current at-large system of electing City Council and the School Board? Vote YES. Do you want to switch to a ward system of electing City Council and the School Board? Vote NO.''' Why confuse the voter with all that verbiage and two, not just one, question?

If council really wants to be fair and clear, and clarity comes from brevity, the referendum should ask: ``Do you want to elect seven City Council members and School Board members by and from their residence districts? Yes or No.''

The intention with the City Council questions seems to be to confuse the issue, and I understand it was prompted by Councilman Will Sessoms. In other words, if you want to ``watch the language,'' do it decisively. Don't play into the council's hands and keep the waters muddied.


Virginia Beach Citizens

for Electoral Reform

Virginia Beach, Feb. 4, 1996 by CNB