The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, March 20, 1996              TAG: 9603200464
SECTION: LOCAL                    PAGE: B5   EDITION: FINAL 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   43 lines


The YWCA's annual Winners Dinner will have a bit of a twist this year: one of the top awards will go to a man.

Raymond Kirckof of Norfolk will be honored at tonight's ceremony for his efforts last October to stop a man from shooting and stabbing his estranged wife. Kirckof was shot in the leg as he tried to wrestle a rifle away from David Dunn, who had abducted his wife and infant son from Dale City and brought them to Norfolk. Police said at the time that Kirckof helped save the woman's life.

The YWCA will also honor Helen Fooshe of Portsmouth for promoting racial harmony by organizing ``Face to Face With Race'' study circles.

Twelve local women will also be honored for their contributions to the community:

Joanne Berkley, for her efforts to improve community life.

Rosa Blanco, a math teacher at Tallwood High School and active in the Filipino community.

Judy Cash, executive director of the CANDII Program for children with AIDS.

Mary Ruth Clowdsley, director of grants and international programs at Tidewater Community College.

Cynthia Creede, developer of the Foodbank of Tidewater.

Betsy Doxey, president of the Tidewater Federation of Women's Clubs.

Dot Hinman, longtime advocate for women and minorities.

Donna Stickling Koch, active in promoting Old Dominion University and working for The Dwelling Place homeless shelter.

Carol Olsen, for her work with cancer patients.

Linda Pendergraft-Quash, for community activism despite major health problems.

Dorothy Valentine, chief executive officer of Systems Management American Corp.

Kim Williams, advocate for the homeless. by CNB