The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Wednesday, April 24, 1996              TAG: 9604240012
SECTION: FRONT                    PAGE: A14  EDITION: FINAL 
TYPE: Letter 
                                             LENGTH: Short :   24 lines


Betty Anne Smolka, who was brutally murdered in July 1991, was my daughter. The pain of this great loss has been suffered by her family and friends and especially her children.

To add to this pain was a lengthy article written by June Arney (news, April 13) telling of the great love and caring Tom Smolka had for his wife. We did not recognize this man in the article.

However, on the positive side, we will remember the many acts of kindness shown to Betty Anne's family by caring people from the entire community. We are grateful to each one of these people.


Virginia Beach, April 13, 1996 by CNB