The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Thursday, May 30, 1996                TAG: 9605290136
                                            LENGTH:   59 lines


Accomplishments bring pride to councilman

Please allow me to say thank you to all who have supported me during my tenure on City Council and who worked diligently on my re-election campaign.

Thanks to my business partner, Doug Johnson, for his understanding. To my campaign manager, George Blair, and the Blair family. To Thelma Hinton, Terry Hinton, Horace Smith, James Eley, Roland Gates, Joseph Murphy, Ernest Alston, Nelson Rapp, W.L. O'Berry and family and John and Elizabeth Littlefield. To all I haven't named and who worked behind the scenes, never seeking or asking for recognition, I say thank you.

While I was not successful in my bid for re-election, there are many accomplishments to be proud of. Four years ago, the City of Suffolk had no sound financial policy in place; today we do. Four years ago, the unappropriated fund balance was less than $1 million; today it is more than $10 million.

Four years ago, there was no utility policy for our city; today we are on the verge of establishing a citywide policy. Four years ago, our city, like Virginia Beach, was picking up the pieces of a School Board in disarray; today we have an elected School Board, not one appointed by council.

We are building our first new elementary school in more than 15 years and will soon begin construction of the first new city fire station in 30 years. We have added 30 positions in the Police Department and 15 in the Fire Department. Fifteen water and sewer projects, 11 of these in the Nansemond Borough, have been initiated at a cost of more than $11 million.

All of this has been accomplished without a tax rate increase, while having a lower base real estate tax rate than our sister cities. We are also considering lowering the personal property tax rate.

All of these accomplishments were possible because Suffolk had a council dedicated to improving the city and the quality of life for its citizens. I encourage all of you to continue to take an active interest in your city on a daily basis. It is our home, and it is up to all of us to help make it the best place possible in which to live and raise our families.

My sincerest thanks and appreciation go to my wife, Faye. It was her support, dedication and love that saw me through these past four years and made it possible for me to serve on council.

Thank you all, and may God bless you!

Richard R. Harris


Writer appears `racist'

After reading John Pruitt's column (``Too many voters simply didn't care'') in the May 19 issue of The Sun, it appears that he is a racist.

I hope the blacks on the School Board and City Council will prove that they are worthy of their election.

The OAP for the Suffolk Public Schools is not any indication of much progress by the present School Board.

The Nansemond Borough was created to give blacks more representation on the board and council. The blacks in this borough have spoken despite Mr. Pruitt's efforts.

John E. Jones

Douglas Court

Suffolk by CNB