The Virginian-Pilot
                             THE VIRGINIAN-PILOT 
              Copyright (c) 1996, Landmark Communications, Inc.

DATE: Friday, June 14, 1996                 TAG: 9606140589
DATELINE: BETHEL                            LENGTH:   67 lines


Remember those Mickey Rooney-Judy Garland movies? The ones where they struggle with an idea for about three minutes before the Mick yells, ``Hey, gang, I got an idea - let's put on a show''?

A few days later, the kiddies come up with a major production with lavish musical presentations.

Contrast that scenario with ``Bethel Home Companion.''

The effervescent Angler's Cove Dinner Theatre performers have been rehearsing for several weeks. Yet, when play time rolls around, they are still not exactly sure what they are doing.

``We have a wonderful cast and crew,'' said director-performer, Glee Hammer. ``More or less, there's something different every night. I get as many surprises as the audience.''

Well, hey, it worked beautifully when the company introduced ``Bethel Home Companion'' in 1994.

``It was our most popular show,'' Hammer said. ``More people called and asked when we were going to do another.''

They will do another on June 15, 21, 22, 28 and 29.

``We can only do five shows - three or four less than we normally do,'' Hammer said, hammering home the idea that ``seating is limited.''

Angler's Cove seats several thousand fewer people than the Radio City Music Hall, but in its own way, the local product is just as much fun.

``We, personally, have such a good time,'' Hammer said. ``Every rehearsal, every performance, is a hoot.''

Like the Rooney-Garland flicks, ``Bethel Home Companion'' is a hodge-podge of singing, dancing, jokes and storytelling. But ``Bethel'' has crazy commercials.

You will hear ads for such products as Home Defense Hardware, Be Bar B Brand Spanish Spur Spit Polish, and North Carolina Rutabaga Rowser Root Beer.

You will definitely hear ``Carolina Moon,'' the state's theme, supposedly inspired by the view from the old Perquimans River Bridge. That song opens and closes the Angler's Cove show.

Showing up for the second edition of the play are all the stars of the first, except one who is sidelined because of health problems.

She is replaced by Trudy Kenyon who, conveniently, lives next door to the restaurant.

``This is my first time on stage since high school,'' said the 37-year-old single mother of two girls, an accountant for Edenton-Chowan Schools, which is well-represented in Bethel.

Lynn Dale, the drummer who once threw his drumsticks away during a performance, is band director at John A. Holmes High School in Edenton, where Lynn Bundy, another Bethel performer, teaches drama.

The glue of the five-day production is Steve Casper, described by Hammer as ``the soul of the show. He's narrator, announcer, storyteller - the poor man's Garrison Keillor.''

A rich attraction is Roy Darnall. The professional New York pianist, who lives in the area in retirement, plays and sings oldie-oldies in the dinner theater production.

Will there be a ``Bethel Home Companion 3?''

``I hope so,'' Hammer said. ``The theme of this is `Flavors of Summer.' Maybe, next, it will be `Harvest Moon.' ''


WHAT: Angler's Cove Dinner Theatre presents ``Bethel Home


WHEN: Buffet at 6:30 p.m. Show at 8 p.m. June 15, 21, 22, 28, 29.

WHERE: Angler's Cove Restaurant, Bethel.

Tickets are $17.50. For reservations, call 426-7294. by CNB